Blue Flame

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{Imagine this oneshot back to when Fire wasn't normalized Element City yet. They're also in high school. I also cant find who this chapter was requested by, I'm sorry!}

Y/N Element: fire
Y/N Gender: any


I walked to school, alone, per usual. I am a blue flame, a very rare species. Actually, I don't know anyone else who is a blue flame. Both of my parents are fire, well, regular fire. They're the regular reddish-orange color that fire is, whereas I'm a bluish white. 

I typically kept to myself, but I did have a few friends. None of them knew that I was a fire element. On my first day of school, I was labelled as a water person, so I just went with it. If i wasn't thought to be water, no one would like me. There are a few fire people in Element City, but not many of us. To keep my cover, I walk to and from school alone every day.

I made it to school to see everyone was more excited than usual. I shrugged it off and went to my locker to unload my stuff. My locker was then quickly slammed shut by my one Earth friend, Daisy. "Y/N! Do you not know what today is?"

I eyed her skeptically. "No...?"

"It's field day! Every element will get separated and then at the end of the day, represent themselves and have a party!"

I nodded; we didn't have "field day" in my home country, but I didn't want her to know that. A voice came over the loudspeaker. "Every student, please report to your homerooms before the day begins. Thank you."

Daisy and I walked up to our homeroom, our other friends already in there. They looked at us and smiled. In total, there were two earth girls, two water guys, and then me. We sat and talked for a few minutes until the voice came over the loudspeaker again. "Would all air people report to the science wing."

The few air people in our homeroom got up and left. The voice came over again. "Would all earth people report to the garden outside." 

So, every earth person got up and left the building. They were saving water for last. "Would all water people report to the gym."

My eyes slightly widened but I tried to contain myself. Next to the gym was the pool where the swimmers practiced. Fortunately for me, I got into a gym class that didn't use swimming as a course. I wasn't sure if I would be so fortunate today. I saw my two water friends from across the gym, Wade and Sean. Wade also saw me because he waved for me to come over to where they were standing. 

"Wassup Y/N!" Wade gave me an elbow bump. It didn't affect him because I always wore long sleeves with the excuse that I'm always cold. Sean turned to us. "Are you guys ready for today?!"

Wade and I nodded. Sean pumped fists into the air. "Water people rule!" Wade and I both laughed, but for different reasons. Then, a water teacher came into the room. "Alright kids, who's ready to have a fun day!" All the water students went wild. 

"Today is gonna be a fun-packed day and were gonna show the other elements who's boss!" The water people continued to cheer and yell. This was going to be a long day.

~~~~~time skip cause i cant think for crap rn~~~~~

It was near the end of the day, and the activities so far weren't that bad. We had one last activity left until all of the elements became mixed again. The teacher rounded all of us up again. "For our final activity, we're going over to the pool."

My heart sunk. I knew I couldn't make an excuse that I didn't bring my swimsuit because it's a group of water people. I also couldn't say that I just didn't want to get in because that would cause a scene. Wade seemed to notice I wasn't ok, so he tapped my shoulder. "Are you ok Y/N? You seem a little anxious."

I quickly nodded. "I'm just not a strong swimmer." OH crap I shouldn't have said that.

Wade smiled. "Oh thats ok! It took my nephews a long time to learn how to swim actually. We had to give them a little push, you know?"

I nodded, feeling relief. Then, the teacher explained the game. "Half of you will be in the pool with water guns, the other half will be scattered around the room. The goal of the game is to not be knocked out by the people in the pool. To get knocked out, you have to be splashed with a water gun. I will set a five-minute timer. If over half of the people get knocked out, then people in the pool win."

A bunch of students volunteered to go in the pool, and the game began soon after. Since I've had to dodge water my entire life, I did pretty well. This also meant that I lasted longer, which made me more of a target. I walked around the pool, inching closer to where the door out was. I then saw someone shoot water at me, so I turned around to get out of the way, but little did I know that they were teaming with Sean and Sean shot me in the back. Steam went up in the air, and there was now a large hole in my stomach where the water had hit.

The room was filled with gasps, including my own. In a panic, I ran out of the room, a hole still in my stomach. I ran past the bathroom, I knew people would look there first. So, I ran to the library. I knew no one would be in there since everyone is out. I then ran to the bookshelf that was farthest away from the door, and slid down it. I began sobbing, my fire dying slowly. I dug into my pant pocket and pulled out a box of matches. I then lit a match and put it to my stomach to attempt to heal the wound. 

I sat there for a few minutes, trying to heal my wound, when I begun to hear footsteps. I stayed quiet, hoping the flame wouldn't give me away. I heard the footsteps get louder, but I didn't dare look up from my match. I then heard a voice.

"Y/N. Are you ok? What happened?" It was Wade's voice. I looked up in a panic and as he analyzed what was going on, his eyes widened. "Wait, you've been a fire person this whole time?"

I slowly nodded as my wound became fully healed. I blew out the match and put it back in my pocket. "So, I bet you're going to report me to the school now, right? After all, can't have fire people here."

He quickly shook his head "No! I would never do that to you! You deserve as much of a spot at this school as I do, and as anyone else does." He smiled, and I tried to smile back. "Is that why you never told us? Because you didn't want to cause a scene."

I slowly nodded, and then he sat down next to me. "No matter what element you are, Y/N, you're an amazing person who deserves the best. I'm so sorry you've had to go through this all these years."

"Thanks Wade." I looked out the window high on the wall. He then slowly took my hand, and I gasped. Nothing happened though, just a little bit of steam coming off of the top. "No matter what happens after this, I am with you all the way."

I then looked back to him, and hugged him. The hug lasted a few seconds, but then we pulled apart. I spoke up. "Do you mind if we stay here the rest of the day? I don't know if I can face the class again after that mess."

He chuckled slightly. "Not at all."

We then spent the rest of the day going through books, and talking about my upbringing as a fire person. I was really thankful to have someone as supportive as Wade in my life. 

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