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(A/N: It's been a while, I have to say. I know I promised an update almost a week ago, but I never went through with it. Some big changes happened in my personal life, and I'm trying to rearrange my priorities and figure out a new time management schedule. If you understand, thank you, and enjoy the chapter). 

Y/N Element: any
Y/N Gender: any

I had just been hired by a woman named Chrissy to babysit her two kids: Stone and Daisy. They were a family of Earth elements. Stone was 5, and Daisy was 7.

Chrissy said that her and her husband, Derek, had a formal party tonight, and they needed a babysitter for a few hours. I worked at a local coffee shop in the mornings, so my evenings were totally free.

I arrived at the house 10 minutes early, and Chrissy walked out the door to meet her husband in the car. She noticed me and smiled.

"Y/N! Thank you so much for being early!"

She handed the money, and I smiled back. "Oh, it's no issue at all."

She nodded, got in her husband's car, and they drove off.

I walked in and saw the two kids. They saw me and began sprinting towards me and cheering. Let's just say I've babysat these guys a few times before.

I played with them for a few minutes, but then there was a knock on the door. I answered it, thinking it was Chrissy and Derek because they forgot something, but I was faced with a water guy instead, who had a very confused expression.

"You're not Derek, nor Chrissy for that matter!"

My eyebrow raised. "Yeah, I'm Y/N. Who are you?"

"I'm Wade, I'm here to babysit the kids."

"Uhm, Chrissy hired me to babysit."

"Oh! Derek hired me to babysit."

"Well then we have quite the problem don't we now?"

The kids came and hugged my legs. "Who is this man?"

I looked down at them and chuckled. "Well guys, your parents must've hired two babysitters by accident."

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