Family Friends ~ Ember x Reader

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Y/N Element: Fire
Y/N Gender: Female

Ember POV:
I was helping around the shop as the customers began to slow down. It was nearing closing time, so there were not as many people.

The sun began to set as the final people left the store. I grabbed a broom and began to sweep the floor. As I was sweeping, my mom came up to me.

"Oh, Ember! I must tell you the good news. Our close family-friends, the Flames, will be coming over for dinner tomorrow. We will close shop early to prepare for their arrival."

I slightly smiled and went back to sweeping; I wasn't too fond of formal events.

"And they have a daughter, Y/N. She's your age too, and I think you will both get along quite nicely."

My head perked up. My parents always said that I needed to meet more people my age, so this would be my chance. "Great! I'll be sure to prepare for tomorrow then."

She smiled at me and then walked away. I organized a few other things and then went to sleep.

My dad woke me up in the morning with a huge smile on his face. "Y/N... guess what news I have!"

I slowly sat up. "What happened?"

"We are going to Element City to have dinner with our family-friends we haven't seen in a long time. They are the Lumens, and they have a daughter your age."

I perked up. I loved meeting new people! "That sounds exciting!"

"Indeed, it is. So, whenever you're ready, get to packing, and then we will get on the boat to Element City."

My dad left my room, so then I got out of my bed and got to packing. I had a light breakfast, and then we made our way to catch the boat. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~

After an hour or so, we arrived at Element City. Once we were exiting the boat, I saw a family of three fire people. My mom looked around but then laid her eyes on the family, too. She excitedly ran down the steps and towards them. They turned to her, and she engulfed the other fire woman into a hug. 

"Cinder! My dear! How have you been?"

"Very good, Feu, thank you for asking. Oh! You must meet my daughter, Ember."

Cinder stepped back to reveal a young fire woman who was around the same age as me. She looked at all of us and smiled at me, so I smiled back. Then her dad stepped forward to face my father. 

"Ah, Moto, my good friend." Him and my dad shook hands.

"Thank you for inviting us over, Bernie. It is greatly appreciated."

He nodded and began to lead us towards his house. "Please, come in, my friends."

When we entered the house, we made our way to the dining room. The families were seated on opposite sides of the table, so that left me and Ember to face each other. The dinner shortly began after, including many fire people delicacies. Our parents were chatting up a storm, but Ember and I stayed completely silent. That was until my mom looked over to us.

"You both have eaten, right?"

We picked our heads up and nodded.

"Good, because you two should go talk. That way, it's not awkward anymore at the dinner table." 

We both smiled at my mom and then looked at each other, getting up from our seats. We walked out of the room, and then I turned to her. 

"So, where do we go?"

"Hmmm, maybe a walk around Fire Town?"

"Works for me!"

We walked outside to see Fire Town totally lit up with all sorts of colors. I looked at all of them totally astonished. She smiled at me with a soft gaze. "Have you never seen Fire Town at night before?"

I got out of my trance. "Oh! No, I haven't. I actually haven't been to Fire Town in a long time, maybe even never."

"Wow. You'll definitely have to check it out sometime. It gets a lot livelier during the day when people are out."

We walked in silence for a few moments, but then I began to ask questions. These questions led to a really good conversation; we actually had a lot in common. 

We spent a good half hour or so walking around Fire Town, sharing thoughts, ideas, and laughs. By the time we returned to her house, we both had huge smiles on our faces.

We approached the door to see that our parents were standing right on the other side. She turned to me. "Y/N, tonight was really fun. I'm glad I met you."

I smiled at her. "It was nice meeting you, too."

She quickly reached into her pocket and pulled out a pen and paper. She wrote something on the paper and handed it to me. "It's my phone number, so we can keep in touch." She winked at me, and my mom opened the door.

"So glad to see you two have returned!

My parents walked out and stood beside me. My dad spoke. "Thanks once again for having us over."

"Anytime! You can come over anytime you want."

We all said our goodbyes, so I hugged Ember. We both got slightly pink, but not enough for anyone to notice.

My family and I began to walk away, so Ember and I waved at each other.

After a few minutes of walking back to where we could get the boat ride home, my mom glanced at me.

"Was meeting Ember a good idea?"

"It was! She's going to be a great friend..."

I smiled and looked up to the stars. ...or maybe something more.

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