Birthday Surprise

958 17 6

Y/N Element: any
Y/N Gender: male

Angie6786941 and cheseburger1672 requested ideas for this one.

Wade POV:

Today was my birthday, and my brother Alan wanted to have a guy's day. I was fine with that, but I hadn't heard from Y/N at all yet, which was odd for him. I tried not to think too much about it, he was probably booked with his job. 

Another thing that was odd about today, was that Alan had everything planned out we were going to do. He was always the go-with-the-flow type, but I wasn't complaining. 

First stop of the day was mini golfing at a course that we always played at as kids. I wasn't the best at it, but it didn't matter because Alan wasn't good either. At the final 18th hole, I got a hole-in-one, which meant I had won. 

Then, he wanted to walk around Element City, and talk so we could catch up. We started at Periodic Park and traveled outward. As we got closer to Fire Town, we walked past a grocery store. As we walked past, I saw Y/N walk out with a bunch of bags in his hands. I waved at him, but he didn't see me, and I slightly frowned. Alan didn't notice and kept on walking.

We looped the entire city and then returned to Periodic Park. 

"So, what now?" I asked.

"Honestly, I didn't think it would take this long. I don't know what to do next."

"Well then, we can go home."

"NO! I mean--there has to be something else we haven't done yet! Sitting at home on your birthday is so boring!"

I eyed him skeptically but then shrugged. "Anything works for me."

"Great! Maybe we could go to a museum?"

I nodded and then we walked to a (whatever you want) museum. We walked around for an hour or so, but then Alan looked at his phone and smiled. "Ok Wade, are you ready to go home yet?"

I tilted my head in confusion. "But didn't you want to stay out just an hour or so ago?"

"Yeah...but I can't think of anything else to do! And I'm getting sort of tired."

"Ok then..."

He practically sprinted back to our mansion, and I followed. Once we returned, I saw that all the windows were closed. That was weird because we always had the windows open to let the light in. 

When we approached the guard at the door, he smiled at us, and looked at me. "Happy birthday Wade! Welcome on in."

"Thank you!" We walked in and everything seemed dead; no one was anywhere to be seen.

I turned to Alan. "Do you know where everyone is?"

He shook his head. "No, I don't. Maybe we could go to the living room to watch TV until they get back."

"That works." We walked towards the living room, and as soon as I turned the corner...


In front of me, was all of my family, all of Y/N's family, and Y/N. A huge smile came on my face as he ran up and hugged me. 

"I'm so sorry I didn't talk to you all day! I didn't want to slip and spoil anything!"

"It's ok Y/N! Did you plan all this?"

We separated from the hug, but I held his hands in mine. "Maybe...." He got a shy smile on his face.

"You're so awesome! No wonder Alan was trying to keep me out all day!"

Everyone laughed and Y/N shrugged. "You gotta do what you gotta do, right?"

I then greeted Y/N's family, even though they knew me very well. Our families had been close for years, and it just worked out that two of the kids ending up dating, those two kids being me and Y/N. 

I could see inside the kitchen that there was a blue cake on the counter with my name and balloons on it. I walked to the kitchen and everyone else followed. 

"Y/N, did you make the cake too?"

He nodded and I laughed. "I did see you walk out of the grocery store!"

His eyes widened. "You saw me?!"

"Yeah, but I didn't think anything of it! I had no idea you were getting stuff for the surprise party!"

My mom stepped forward. "I think we all need to sing to my Wade here on this very special day."

My mom lit the candles on the cake, and everyone sang to me. I then thought about my wish and blew out the candles. Everyone cheered, and then swarmed to get a piece of cake. After everyone had gotten a piece, everyone began talking and laughing like we had done so many times.

I finished my cake and looked around; my eyes landed on Y/N. He was so amazing. He must've caught me staring because he waved, and I shyly waved back. He approached me.

"So, did you like your surprise?"

"Like it? I loved it!"

I engulfed him in another hug, and he laughed. Both families spent the rest of the night playing games and having fun. This was by far the best birthday ever!

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