Chapter 109

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We are all now stood infront of the throne room doors, the guards scattered when they saw my guardians; surprisingly, Azar was able to run through through the castle corridors. I slid off Bo but shifted Tyra forward and told her that no matter what happened, she had to stay on Bo's back; that he would protect her if anything happened. She nodded and held on to his mane tightly but not to tight to hurt him.

I turned to look at Thor and Loki with a mischievious smirk, "Fǫðurbróðir(uncle), Afi(grandfather), are you ready?" I ask and they respond with smirks of their own and a nod. I then turn to the large throne room doors and force them open with my new-found magic as a rainbow mist swirls around my hands. The three of us enter - Thor and Loki just infront of me - with my pack/my family and my guardians following behind us, "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!?!" the All Father shouts. I couldn't help but chuckle darkly, "Oh Odin, you really thing I wouldn't barge my way in here after hearing the pained cries from Magnus?" I said calmly as I stepped out from behind Thor and Loki, flashing Odin and Frigga my golden eyes.

Both of their eyes widen at the sight of them. "So, where is he?" I question, glaring at Odin. "I don't know what you are talking about." He says firmly and that's when I feel the rainbow mist start to gather around me, "Don't LIE TO ME ODIN BORSON!! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH MAGNUS!?!" I shout; my golden eyes now glowing. "I-I" He stutters in fear, "Tell me right now Odin or I swear to all that is unholy, I will burn Asgard to the ground searching for him." I spat angrily as I calling forth the fire burning in my veins, covering my hands in flames that combines with my rainbow mist.

Frigga gasps and turns to Odin with anger in her eyes, "I told you you're plans would backfire." she says scolding him. She then gestures to me, "Now look, The Goddess of the Nine Realms has been unleashed. Tell her everything because she will NOT hesitate to kill us all." Frigga finishes her small rant. Odin looks down at me before giving in, he raises Gungnir(his spear) and bangs it on the floor. Suddenly Magnus appears nearby; laying on the floor covered in cuts and various wounds. I put out the flame, run to him, land on my knees infront of him and gently lift his head, "Oh my poor pup, what have they done to you?" I say softly. Magnus whimpers and whines, I know he is in an immense amount of pain; I can feel it but I know how to help him.

I shift my position so I'm kneeling by his side and carefully place my hands on his stomach. He tries to get up but I stop him, "Still yourself Magnus and let me help." I say and he lays down; clearly exhausted. I close my eyes and focus on my hatred for the people who dared to hurt my pup. Within seconds, I feel the healer in me rise to the surface and begin to heal Magnus. A few moments later, I remove my hands and open my eyes to see him lift himself up with ease. He stretches and shakes his whole body before looking at Odin and snarled murderously...

 He stretches and shakes his whole body before looking at Odin and snarled murderously

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"Calm yourself pup, he will be dealt with." I say as I run my hand through his soft, silky, golden fur. Magnus huffs but listens and gently leans his head against me. He sniffs my stomach and whimpers, lifting his head to look at me; silently asking if what he senses was true. I smile and nod, "Yes pup, your senses do not deceive you." I say softly and he jumps back as he prances, yips and barks happily. I could help but laugh at his exciteful behaviour, "Oh hush you." I scold playfully.

Once he calms I walk back over to stand infront of everyone, looking up at Odin and Frigga. "So, explain to me why you felt the need to bind and torture Magnus but not Azar, Kali or Bo. Explain to me why you can't see the severity of the threat layed out before you. Explain to me why Loki had to come ask me for help to sort it whilst in the first half of my pregnancy." I stated firmly looking Odin dead in the eye, compelling him to speak the truth. He stuttered for a moment; fighting my orders before sighing, "I don't know what to tell you Asynjur(goddess), I wasn't thinking. I didn't want to believe that anyone would want to attack Asgard and it's people. It was stupid and cowardly of me. As for Magnus, I thought and still do think that he is dangerous. He needs to be killed, the others not so much. They don't try and hurt my people like he does." Odin said angrily.

"The people of Asgard were warned not to go near their dens but they do. The reason why Azar, Kali and Bo don't 'hurt' anyone, is because their dens are harder to get to but that doesn't mean they should go after Magnus. He is only defending his territory and if people get injured in the process then thats their own fault, NOT HIS!!" I start, "As for the threat, you will start all battle procedures and face then head on. I will help but only because my Afi(grandfather) asked me so will my pack if they wish too, I will not force them and neither will you. My faðir(father) Fenrir will be released from his prison, also Sköll and Hati will be summoned. They will be needed if my assumptions about the shadow assassins are correct which, I know they are. Do you understand?" I finish and he nods. "I said... Do. You. UnderSTAND!!" I growl, "Y-yes... I-I understand." Odin stutters and I smirk. "Good, now go and start getting everything ready. I'm going to see my faðir(father)." I say and watch him scurry off.

My eyes then fall on Frigga and my facial expressions soften. She hesitantly steps toward me, "I'm sorry for everything the All Father has done, we all tried to stop him but he just wouldn't listen." she says sadly with tears in her eyes as she looks down. "Amma(grandmother), it is alright. You tried, that is all we can do sometimes. But I am here now, everything with be alright from now on." I tell her softly but firmly as I hold her hands, "Congratulations on your pregnancy as well, I know you'll be amazing mother." Frigga said, a little happier now. I walk her over to my family and introduce her to everyone, including my daughters. She was surprised at first but when we explained that I adopted them, she understood and welcomed them with open arms.

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