original dragonball story

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Planet Vegeta hung in the vastness of space, vibrant and hunter-like with its crimson skies and rugged mountains. Its infamous inhabitants, the Saiyans, were renowned for their fierce fighting prowess as well as their unyielding spirit. Yet, recent events stirred unrest among the warriors. Bardock, a seasoned Saiyan soldier, had returned from a mission with an unsettling premonition. He believed that Frieza, their ruthless overlord, was planning to betray them.

With the looming call back to Planet Vegeta, Bardock's unease grew. No one seemed to share his suspicions, least of all his partner, Leak. Leak was a middle-class Saiyan like countless others, boasting a commendable power level of 8,500 and the ability to control his Great Ape transformation. He was loyal, a devoted family man; his wife, Maisie, preferred the quiet life away from battle, while their son, Beetroo, was already proving himself a formidable fighter in his own right.

Bardock had just finished relaying his concerns to Leak, but his partner remained skeptical. After parting ways, Leak met Beetroo, who had just returned from his own mission. A spark of excitement lit up the young Saiyan's face, quickly replaced by an unshakeable tension lingering in the air.

Beetroo: father!

Beetroo called, his voice echoing against the rocky terrain.

Beetroo: I just got back! Did you hear the news?"

Leak smiled, ruffling his son's hair with pride.

Leak: "You're back safe, that's all that matters. But while you were away, Bardock mentioned something troubling."

Beetroo's eyes widened, a mix of curiosity and apprehension washing over him.

Beetroo: What did he say?"

Leak nodded gravely.

Leak: He believes Frieza is plotting against us, planning to betray the Saiyan race."

Beetroo mulled over this, the weight of his father's words sinking in. He, too, had felt a strange thrill of unease lately—the kind that gnawed at the back of your mind, growing shadows in the corners of your vision.

Beetroo: I've been thinking about that too, Dad."

His voice dropped to a whisper.

Beetroo: Something doesn't sit right with me about this call back to planet Vegeta, either."

The elder Saiyan studied his son's expression, recognizing that Beetroo's instincts mirrored his own.

Leak: We need to be careful,

he warned, urgency creeping into his tone.

Leak: If Bardock is right, this could endanger all of us—our families, our people."

The young fighter's brow furrowed in thought.

Beetroo: What can we do? If we confront Frieza, he'll crush us without a second thought. We might not even stand a chance."

Leak sighed, the gravity of the situation weighing heavily on his heart.

Leak: We might not be able to confront him directly, but we can prepare and gather reliable allies. We need to warn others and not share our suspicions openly too soon. Keep this close, Beetroo. Keep your head down."

Just then, Maisie, with her gentle smile that warmed the strongest of hearts, approached.

Maisie: What are you two plotting over there?

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