Dragon ball z season 2 episode 10 the cell games start

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They were all on Kami's lookout discussing the cell games. Kinbi was currently hugging Beetroo.

Tien: Damn that Cell, this is just a game to him?!

Trunks: No way, I can't believe he actually went on television and told everyone. He said if none of us can beat him, he's going to kill everyone on Earth!

Beetroo: now the whole world is in danger.

Trunks: I just hope that Goku and Gohan are almost done with their training.

Beetroo: hey Mr popo how much longer does goku and Gohan got?

Mr. Popo: There are still 3 hours left until the full day is up.

Vegeta: Hmph. No guarantee they'll come out after exactly one day...

Piccolo: No need to rush. We've got nine days till the games start.

Everyone: Huh?!

Beetroo: did you guys sense that

Kinbi: yeah dad I think there about to come out

Vegeta: Wha..?! What are they doing out this early?!!

Both Goku and Gohan came out of the chamber in a mastered Super Saiyan form.

Both Goku and Gohan came out of the chamber in a mastered Super Saiyan form

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They both looked at kinbi and Beetroo and walk towards them.

Goku&Gohan: Beetroo kinbi!

Beetroo: hey you guys!

Kinbi: hey goku and gohan!

Goku: What...was...that?!?!

Goku said while placing his hands on Beetroo shoulders, desperate for an answer.

Beetroo: Huh? What?

Goku: That energy you showed 15 days ago... It was crazy!!!

Gohan: Me and my dad felt it all the way from inside the time chamber!

Vegeta just scoffed and turned his back towards everyone.

Beetroo: I was trying to stop android 18  from being absorbed so I had to give it everything i had.

Goku: oh yeah Can someone get us up to speed on what's going on with Cell?

Trunks: Right.. Here's what happened.


Goku: "The Cell Games," huh...? So he's holding a tournament... Honestly that sounds kinda fun.

Beetroo: it does. You read my mind.

Goku: Hee-hee, great minds think alike!

Beetroo and Goku give each other a high five.

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