Dragon ball z Season 2 episode 3 Training for the Andriod menaces

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Beetroo then gets up out off his bed and him and his daughter Kinibi started to train and Beetroo shows Kinibi super Saiyan.

Kinibi: hey dad how do you get that form?

Beetroo: I got it through rage but I think you can get it through tons of training  so when all of this android stuff is over with I'll try to teach you how to go super Saiyan okay

Kinibi: ok dad

Beetroo: so you want to get back to training?

Kinibi: yeah

And with that Beetroo and Kinibi got back to their traning.

Timeskip 3 years:

Three years had passed and the fated day of May 12th had finally come. Beetroo was finish up training Kinibi and he was currently in bed sleep

Launch: hey honey today the day

Beetroo: ok I'll go over there to goku and see what their up to.

Launch: ok do you want you daughter to come with you?

Beetroo: ok she can come too.

Kinibi then ran up to Beetroo and then he ask her.

Beetroo: are you ready?

Kinibi: yeah I'm ready

Both Kinibi and Beetroo flew to goku house and they see chi chi.

Chi chi: hey Beetroo!

Beetroo: hey chi chi.

Ch chi: Alright, you five be careful out there! You sure you don't want to take some lunch?

Gohan: No thanks mom, we're good.

Beetroo: ok guys let's go.

They all began to fly off. But then goku clenched his chest in pain. Beetroo was the only one who noticed and flew back down to him.

Goku: Ngh...

Beetroo: what's wrong goku are you ok?

Goku: Uh... Don't worry about me. It's probably nothing...

He grabbed his chest again where his heart was located.

Beetroo: gok have you taken the medicine trunks gave you?

Goku: Well yeah... A little bit of it...

Beetroo: what do you mean a little of it?

Goku: Look- it was grape flavored! I absolutely hate it.

Beetroo: come on goku who cares what it tastes like? It's either you drink it or you'll die Now let's go back and get that medicine.

Goku: C'mon Beetroo Y/N! It wasn't even that painful. Plus Gohan Kinibi and Piccolo are waiting We have to hurry. Don't worry about me.

Beetroo: as your childhood friend brother, I can't help but not want to look over you and protect you!

Goku: And I thank you for that, but we really have to get going! The andriods could be there already!

Beetroo: Fine. Let's go then. At least you took a little bit of it.

Goku: Alright, thanks Beetroo!

He flew off thinking Beetroo was following him. But Beetroo went back inside and grabbed the medicine he then flew and caught back up with them.

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