Dragon ball z season 1 episode 8 goku and beetroo vs prince vegeta

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Narrator:  Last Time on Dragon Ball Z The saiyans started invade on earth claiming the lives of the Z fighterz. One by one first Yamcha then chiaotzu And Tien finally piccolo all fell to the saiyans
Goku has arrived enrage by the death of his friends and disappointed in not making it in time to save them he prepares to face the ruthless warriors
Alone will Goku be able to defeat these mighty foes find out right now on DRAGON BALL Z!

Goku: Don't be so sure I'I have you know I was trained in the art of Kaio-Ken

Vegeta: Huh? Kaio-Ken?

Nappa has lost his patience and charges Goku

Nappa: Kaio-whatever! Who cares? I'm still gonna crush you! I don't care what you learned Raagh!

As soon as he closed in on Goku he vanished and kicks Nappa in the back of his head

Nappa: " ARERGHH!"

Krillin: Whoa! How did he do that?

Beetroo: i wonder too

Nappa gets up rubbing the back of his head in pain

Nappa: You... You'll pay fo that... You'll... pay!

Goku: We'll see... But I haven't even warmed up yet.

Nappa: What? Why you little...That was luck! I'm the second strongest Saiyan in the universe!

Goku: Heh. Well, if your friend is stronger than you then I'd say that makes you the third strongest!

Nappa: heh... heh.. heh.. Kakarot.. I'm gonna rip you apart! Hyaah!

Nappa rush forward towards goku and tries to leg kick goku multiple times with Goku dodging all of them.

Nappa: Huunt! Hyah hyah hyah!

Goku then jumps up and dodges Nappa

Goku the started to to strike Nappa from every direction

Vegeta: it's strange just a year ago he couldn't beat raditz and now he's making sport of Nappa

Nappa: haaah!!

Nappa tries to punch goku but goku disperse

Nappa: Hah? Huh? Hunh?!

Nappa was looking around untill Goku appeared away a few feet in front of him Nappa the growls

Krillin: Wow... Did you see how your father did that?!

Uh... Nuh-uh...Did you Beetroo?

Beetroo: Yeah I seen it.

Nappa: I'II get my hands on you! And when I do...

Vegeta:( I've never heard of anyone increasing their power level that much in one year!

Goku then started to runs towards Nappa. Nappa the. Swing untill Goku disappears again and lands on top of Nappa head

Nappa then gets angry and tries to hit goku off of him

Nappa; raagh!!

Goku dodge and then hits Nappa in the stomach and Nappa then stagers back and was holding his stomach in agony.

Goku: That's for my friends, all five of them!

Nappa the tries to gain composure back

Nappa: I was Commander in Chief of the whole
Saiyan Army! Youre nothing compared to me!

Oc male Saiyan x dragon ball zWhere stories live. Discover now