Dragon ball z season 2 episode 1 the saiyan from the future.

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Narrator: last time on dragon ball z It's been roughly a Year and a half since the fight with the dreadful Frieza. But there was still no sign of Goku and Beetroo .When the Z fighters and their friends tried to wish them back, Shenron informed them that they were still alive and prefer to not be brought back to Earth. Ever since then, the world had entered a period of peace. That peace however, was to be, short-lived. As a new threat was rapidly approaching the planet find out today.

Gohan was sitting down eating lunch at the table

Gohan: Um, Mom?

Chi-Chi: Yes Gohan?

Gohan: Do you mind if I go outside and get some fresh air for a minute?

Chi-Chi: Of course not Gohan. I can't get mad at you for wanting some fresh air. Just don't take too long. After you finish you have to go right back to studying!

Gohan: Okay mom! I love you, bye!

Gohan closed the door and instantly flew of to where he felt the energy and landed. He noticed the rest of the gang there too.

Launch, Kinibi, Tien, Vegeta, Yamcha, Bulma, Puar, and Chiaotzu. Were all their

Gohan: Oh..! Everyone's here already...?!

Krillin lands next to them.

Gohan: Krillin... You felt it too, right? It's Frieza.
And someone else with enormous power like his!

Krillin: Yeah, kinda hard not to notice. There's no way we're gonna miss a massive energy reading like that.

Tien: This can't be good, do you really think it's Frieza?

Yamcha: W-Well... Sure seems like it.

Vegeta: They'll know we're here if you don't quit your foolish babbling, and LOWER your power levels! They have scouters after all! The Namekian already lowered his. At least one of you is smart.

Vegeta said while turning to a cliff Piccolo was standing on.

Yamcha: Piccolo!

Piccolo: They're here!

A big ship flew over everyone's head and landed in the distance.

Krillin: They landed over there. That's Frieza, it's gotta be! I can't believe he's still alive.

Gohan: Yeah, and it seems like there's someone else with him.

Vegeta: Do NOT fly there, got it?! We can avoid scouter detection by simply walking up to them.

Launch: yeah he could be even stronger after his fight with goku and my husband.

Tien: so You guys actually fought against someone with THIS much power?

Kinibi: yeah we fought against frieza

Yamcha: You've got to be kidding me. What are we supposed to do when we get close to 'em?

Piccolo: You'd rather stay back here and rot? Is that it? Suit yourself, all of us know what we're up against.

Vegeta: Just to be perfectly clear. Earth is completely done for.

Launch:(Beetroo I hope you come in time)

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