The Tournament of Destroyers part 1

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Goku vegeta, and Beetroo both went out to find the two other members for the team but when Beetroo went to his daughter she said she couldn't come because she was working and Beetroo said he understands and goku and vegeta went to piccolo to ask him and he said yes and Beetroo tried to convince beerus to put Monaka on the team and beerus just said ok

*time skip to the day of the tournament*

Goku, vegeta and Beetroo we're currently i. The hyperbolic time chamber training, they train about 30 minutes and the time had ran out the three then sits on the floor in front of the door.

Goku: When I spar with you two  I sure can tell where my flaws are!

Beetroo: yeah I feel the same way, but not only our flaws our strengths to, it seems like the three of us are improving.

Vegeta:( Beetroo right we are improving.)

Goku: I sure Can't wait to fight with the guys from Universe 6.

Beetroo: yeah me to!

Goku: but I wonder what that Monaka guy's like?

Beetroo: he's probably knew beerus-sama for a long time and since beerus told me he's powerful we could have a even greater chance of winning.

Goku: yeah Beetroo he might be strong.

Vegeta: that guys our team member? Just focus on the match you two.

Goku: But hey, we don't know if these Universe 6 guys are strong or not.

Beetroo: yeah they could be some of the most formidable fighters!

Vegeta: Beerus went through the trouble of bringing his star fighter, Monaka. So of course their strong!

Goku: oh yeah you're smart!

Vegeta: hmph, compared to you.

Beetroo: come on vegeta that be like that I guess goku is super excited because this is the first time we are seeing other people from a different universe so we gotta bring everything we got.

Vegeta: yea, I guess your right.

Beetroo: yep let's get back to training!

Goku, vegeta and beetroo all got up and continues their fight.


Currently Everyone was waiting out side to go to the Universe 6 tournament.

Currently Everyone was waiting out side to go to the Universe 6 tournament

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Whis: Everyone, hello!

Everyone: Hello!

Whis: From here on, I will be guiding you all
to the match arena Now, will you all hop into the Cube in single file, please.

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