Goku vegeta beetroo and rekkon got done finishing their training in Whis's dimensionGoku: Hey! What did you do that for? We just found our rhythm! It was finally getting fun!
Beetroo: yeah whis we could've stayed longer!
Beerus: Besides the headache, it seems like training there did you three some good. So it wasn't a total waste then?
Whis swings his staff and heals you all. Each of you guys' clothes fix leaving Vegeta shocked.
Whis: There, all cleaned up.
Beetroo: WOW!
Beerus: Hey!
Whis: Yes, yes. I know.
Whis holds his staff up and tons of empty pizza boxes fall on the ground.
Whis: oh, they are still empty.
Goku: whooo, those supplies saved the day! To think that food could come out of that staff. We were so hungry we thought we were gonna die!
Beerus: you four.. don't tell me that you ate all of my pizza?! UNFORGETTABLE!
Goku: Crap! Run~!
The four of them all ran away and beerus chases after them.
Beetroo: lord beerus please calm down we didn't know it was yours!
Beerus: how dare you eat it all and leave nothing for me?!
Goku: we had no choice!
Vegeta: your the bastard that threw us in there anyway!
Beerus: how dare you! Speaking like that to the god of destruction!
Whis: haaa... we'll need to get more pizza
Whis staff started to glow.
Whis: oh, an incoming message?
Whis looks at his staff and examines the message
that was sent to him by Bulma who was holding a cake
Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. Bulma:( you need to hurry... the deluxe strawberry parfait is melting!)
Whis: deluxe strawberry parfait! Oh my, how colorful and delicious looking.
Beerus: show me
Beerus shoved his face in front of whis looking at his staff.
Beerus: Oooh! I wonder what it tastes like?
Whis: although.. seems like she's in a bit of a hurry.. I should contact her to see what's going on. Ahem... Bulma?
Bulma: (Whis! So you can hear me... WELL YOU TOOK YOUR SWEET TIME REPLYING!)

Oc male Saiyan x dragon ball z
ActionThis is a dragon ball z story I will be writing, dragon ball, dragon ball z, and dragon ball super. Disclaimer I don't own any of the dragon ball characters they all are own by toriyama Enjoy the story and don't forget this is I am Jamie0722724 but...