Season 1 episode 2The Martial Arts Match Has Been Decided!

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Currently champa, Beerus, whis, Vados, goku, Beetroo and vegeta were talking about where they want to have the tournament.

Beerus: Hmm. Where to hold the match?

Champa: Let's see Let's make it the Nameless Planet that floats in neutral space That way it's fair...

Vados gave Champa a serious look.

Vados: That planet has only a small sun nearby.. ...and almost nothing else on it. Not even an atmosphere.

Beerus: You're the one who brought it up
You take care of it.

Champa: fine.... Come on, it's not so hard. Maybe I'II also set the rules while I'm at it.

Goku then floats over towards Champa.

Goku: Hup I want somethin' like the Tenkaichi Budokai World Tournament!

Beetroo: that's a cool idea goku!

Beerus: the tenkaichi Budokai world tournament?

Beerus said out of curiosity.

Goku: If you give up or fall out of bounds, you lose And killing is not allowed!!

Vegeta: No weapons or drugs either!

Beetroo: and no items that's boost your power.

Vegeta: And prepare a written test too. We can't have you bringing a monster that can't even understand the rules.

Beetroo: yeah

Champa: I see. That's fair.

Goku: What do you say? How is it...

Champa then closed his eyes.

Champa: Well, fine.

Champa and Vados then turn their back on the others.

Champa: We'll begin the match at 19:00 a week from now on the 8th solar calendar.

Champa and Vados then left the planet.

Beetroo, goku and vegeta all walk outside and pulled off their training suits. One they were dropped on the ground they sunk through the ground.

Beetroo: wow so the tournament is only in five days, but I wonder who's the other two people.

Goku: I dunno. Maybe Lord Beerus is going to pick them!

Beetroot: oh yeah if he ask about another fighter I could ask my daughter.

Goku: oh I think that's a great idea!

Beerus and Whis hover in the sky.

Beerus: hey you three hurry up! You don't want to be left here now do you?

Vegeta: No sir! Right away sir!

Vegeta flies up to them.

While goku and Beetroo was following behind him.

*Timeskip to earth*

Currently whis and beerus were eating food while bulma, vegeta, goku and beetroo were talking.

Bulma: What?! How did it end up like this?

Vegeta: What's done is done.

Vegeta said with a upset look.

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