Dragon ball z season 1 episode 12 battleing Frieza

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Narrator: last time on dragon ball z Beetroo and the other had to get goku healed up for the battle with frieza and the other went out to find Dende find out today on dragon ball z

Goku got the healing pod. Vegeta then entered the  code for it to start

Beetroo: hey vegeta can I enter in the code?

Vegeta: *Sigh* fine knock your self out

Beetroo then went over to the pod and entered in the code and and the healing water than began to rise and fill the pod up.

Gohan: So what exactly is this?

Vegeta: This is a healing pod, it'll help this idiot get back to full health. It's an older model so it will take a while.

Krillin: What happened to the new version??

Vegeta: it got Blew it up.

Krillin: O-oh...

Beetroo then sees A bunch of Saiyan armor.

Beetroo: hey guys here's some Saiyan armor for you!

Vegeta: Tch, fine.

Beetroo gave his daughter gohan and krillin some Saiyan armor while Vegeta picked out his own.

Kinibi: dad how do you put this on?

Kinibi asked Beetroo and Beetroo then gets the armor and slips it above her head.

Kinibi: thanks dad

Krillin: this looks to small for me, is there any other sizes?

Vegeta: There will be no need to look for another battle suit. Our Saiyan armor has very stretchy material, it will fit whoever wears it. How do you think my armor survived when I transformed into a Great ape?

Vegeta said to Krillin as he put on his suit.

Krillin: Wow, you're right Vegeta! It fits like a glove.

Kinibi: hey dad why won't you get none of the armor for yourself?

Beetroo: I'm ok sweetie I already got this armor on right now it was made by bulma's father.

Gohan: don't you guys think we should find a way to activate the Dragon Balls while we still have time?

Krillin: Yeah, if we find Dende, he can tell us. But he's really far away, so it will take some time to get to him. It'll take forever, are you guys sure you want to do this?

Beetroo: krillin we need to do this now the universe is depending on us.

Krillin: Okay okay, I'll go get him.

They all went out side of the ship and they watched krillin leave to go find Dende.

Vegeta: Just don't die bald man.

Vegeta said while closing his eyes slowly.Beetroo then taps him on the shoulder

Vegeta: what!

Beetroo: You look sleepy vegeta maybe you should rest

Vegeta: as much as I hate to admit it, you're probably right. I haven't slept since the day I got here. You three  stay and Gaurd the ship

Beetroo: ok vegeta we do it!

Vegeta then walks into the ship to take a nap


Beetroo Kinibi all we're sitting in silence Beetroo then starts to talk to his daughter.

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