Beerus threw a punch at Beetroo but he blocks it and it creates a shock wave
Beerus: You know, I'm surprised you were able to block that punch Many would've lost just by the sheer sight of me. But I wouldn't expect anything less from a Super Saiyan God.
Beetroo then gets into his fighting stance and him and beerus started to class which Beetroo was able to punch beerus sending him all the way into the cruise ship.
Bulma:( show him who's boss Beetroo!)
Beerus flies back up to Beetroo and disappears Beetroo then looks around for him but he was Behind beetroo and punches Beetroo sending him into a building but he flew towards Beetroo and throws a punch but Beetroo blocks it.
Kinbi: I can't see them can you gohan?
Gohan: no I can't ether.
Krillin: Aww man, that's no fair. How are we supposed to know what's happening?!
Bulma: Yeah! I'm with Krillin! This is too frustrating. Come on guys, let's go after them!
Bulma began running, to the front of the boat, and everyone turned towards her confused.
Piccolo: Right, quickly everyone!
Everyone followed her into her capsule corp ship.
They took off and flew after Beerus and Beetroo but Vegeta stayed behind.Goku: Woah, look at them! They're really going all out!
Piccolo: And it seems Beetroo is actually landing good hits.
Beerus: Beetroo I got to say you're definitely among the high ranking mortal I ever face.
Beetroo: thanks your a strong person to.
Beerus: now with that chit chat over now it's time for the real battle of gods.
Beerus and Beetroo both flew up into space as high speeds.
Kinbi: bulma can this thing get any faster?
Gohan: yeah can it?
Bulma: That last boost we did shook something loose in the engine.
Kinbi: can you try and fix it we might end up losing them.
Bulma: Look, if you're gonna complain the whole time, why don't you use your flying technique?
Kinbi: I'd love to but I can't right now.
Goku: I'll go and see how the fight turns out.
Goku left the ship and flew up into the sky.
Currently in the sky with Beetroo and beerus.
Beetroo: well this move is the only one I got
Beetroo got in position he then cuff his hands together.
Beetroo: Ka ma ha Ma HAAA!
Beetroo sends a beam towards berrus but berrus knocks that beam away.
Beetroo: well this is going to be a interesting fight.

Oc male Saiyan x dragon ball z
ActionThis is a dragon ball z story I will be writing, dragon ball, dragon ball z, and dragon ball super. Disclaimer I don't own any of the dragon ball characters they all are own by toriyama Enjoy the story and don't forget this is I am Jamie0722724 but...