Dragon ball z season 3 episode 4 Majin Vegeta attacks

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Dabura: Now, come at me, all of you!

Dabura: Now, come at me, all of you!

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Gohan: Wait a second... It's my turn to fight!

Gohan said while stepping up to Dabura

Beetroo: hey come on gohan let me have a crack at this guy

Dabura: ...Huh...?! Do you two really think this is a game-


Beetroo; ok let's go

Shin: Why don't you all just fight him at the same time like he said?

Goku, Vegeta,Beetroo ,gohan: NO!!!


Beetroo&Gohan: Rock... Paper... Scissors!

Gohan: Hah! I win!

Beetroo: dang it it's like I'm terrible at this game.

Gohan: Dabura, now it's my turn! Come at me!

Dabura: Lord Babidi, please transport us to a more suitable location! I must show this mortal my power!

Babidi: (Very well... Papparapapa!)

They all then teleport to a grassy field with mountains.

Gohan: Alright! Time to make short work of this guy and save Piccolo and Krillin.

Dabura: You will regret underestimating my power.

Beetroo: yeah let's get this over with gohan.

Goku: Yep!

They both flew into the sky. Gohan powers up into a super saiyan and charges at dabura, throwing many kicks and punches, which were all blocked.
Gohan then teleports behind Dabura and kicks him.

Gohan: (This guy's reaction speeds are amazing! I need to step this up)

Dabura: Are you done daydreaming?

Gohan: I'll show you the power beyond a Super Saiyan! HAAAH!

Gohan then turns into a super Saiyan 2



The beam hits Dabura doing a little bit of damage.
This angers dabura. He flies over to Gohan at an insane speed and sledgehammers him to the ground, and throwing a ki ball right after.

Gohan: You definitely seem like you're a cut above the others.

Dabura: I take issue with you comparing me to such scum.

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