This is a dragon ball z story I will be writing, dragon ball, dragon ball z, and dragon ball super.
Disclaimer I don't own any of the dragon ball characters they all are own by toriyama
Enjoy the story and don't forget this is I am Jamie0722724 but...
Narrator:last time on dragon ball z after the prince of all Saiyans was defeated a legendary hero was finally healed and ready to battle but can he be able to topple the evil Frieza find out today.
Frieza kicks Vegeta into a cliff and he falls on the ground.
Frieza: My my, what do we have here? A fallen prince. Oh dear!
Frieza picks up a rock and places it on Vegeta stomach He then begins to rub and crush the rock on the spot with his foot.
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Vegeta: AHHH!!!
Frieza: It pains me to see you like this, Vegeta. I don't know why, but I still care for you enough to put you out of your misery.
Krillin: okay I think he learned his lesson Beetroo I think you should help him.
Kinibi: yeah dad I think we should try to help him he's getting beat up pretty bad.
Piccolo: beeteoo I know you hate Vegeta, most of us here do. But we need as much people as we can get in order to stop Frieza. Frieza might have some tricks up his sleeves to kill all of us! You need to save him!
Beetroo: ...
Frieza holds Vegeta by his cholar, and brings back his arm. He then looks to them Gohan, Krillin, and Piccolo were cowering in fear.
Frieza: don't worry. Everyone gets a turn.
Gohan&Krillin: AHH!
Frieza: Goodnight sweet prince.
Beetroo: sense someone coming!
A large gust of wind blows over everyone.
Everyone looked at the thing that landed, even Frieza.
Frieza: hmm?
Piccolo: hn?!
Krillin: Huh?!
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