After recovering in the hospital, Mr. Popo informs everyone about Kami's home planet "Namek" and claims that there are more dragon balls there which they can use to revive Goku's friends. Beetroo convinces launch to let Beetroo go with Bulma, Krillin, and Gohan go on Kami's ship. But goku and Beetroo had to stay behind because there wasn't room for Beetroo and goku.—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
Beetroo and goku both had landed at capsule corp and was meet by mrs briefs
Panchy: Oh, Goku Beetroo!*gigles
Goku: sorry to just drop in.
Beetroo: yeah sorry we came late.
Panchy: Don't mention it! Are you both feeling better?
Beetroo: yeah I'm fine. How about you goku?
Goku: yep Beetroo I'm feeling better to.
Beetroo: so does Mr briefs have the space ship ready for me and goku?
Panchy: Oh, goodness, no Not even close. But he's still working on it.
Beetroo: huh?
Goku and Beetroo both were shocked.
Goku: Not even close? I mean really?
Panchy: Tell you both what.
Why don't we go check on him?Beetroo: o-ok
Beetroo and goku were walking with Panchy to go see dr briefs and Panchy was holding onto goku's arm and started to ask him questions
Panchy: And how's that adorable little boy of yours doing? I'm just dying to finally meet him I bet he's getting to be quite the looker. Handsome! Just like his big. strong father.
Goku: he's doing okay. And, he's turning out to be a heck of a fighter!
Panchy: A chip off the old block, huh?
Panchy: And how is ChiChi? I haven't seen her since
I don't know when. Shame on you, Goku! You really need to come visit more often! You know?Goku: Yeah, well I've been busy.
Panchy: Oh, sweetums! Darling! Beetroo and Goku's here to see you!
Goku and Beetroo look at the space ship
Goku: Wow... I don't believe it. So this is the ship, huh?
Beetroo: yeah it's big!
Panchy: Honey!
Panchy called dr briefs.
The door then opens up
Dr briefs: Oh, goku! Beetroo! You're both here!
Dr briefs looks at goku
Dr briefs: Goku! You're looking much better!
Goku: I'm all healed and ready to go
Beetroo: Mr briefs so I was wonder is the space ship finished?
Dr briefs: Still a few bugs to work out. Both of you Come come and see.

Oc male Saiyan x dragon ball z
ActionThis is a dragon ball z story I will be writing, dragon ball, dragon ball z, and dragon ball super. Disclaimer I don't own any of the dragon ball characters they all are own by toriyama Enjoy the story and don't forget this is I am Jamie0722724 but...