Dragon ball z season 2 episode 2 the saiyan from the future. (Part two)

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The mysterious boy throws a kick at Beetroo he dodges it swiftly. Beetroo then uppercuts him him even higher in the air.

Beetroo: Ngh, wow. That's some incredible speed you've got there Beetroo.

Beetroo: thanks.

He threw a couple of Ki blast at him, and he sliced them with his sword.

Beetroo placed two fingers on his forehead and teleported behind him.

???: What the? How did you- AH

Beetroo punches him in the gut and kicks him in the neck sending him flying far back.

???: Wow, Beetroo you power is insane. But now it's time to get serious.

Beetroo: bring it.

???: HAAA!!

Beetroo catches his punch with his hand.

???: N-Nice catch..!

Beetroo: gee thanks.

Beetroo held on to his fist tightly and swung him around to gain momentum. He then then threw him to the ground with full force creating a crater in the ground.

The mysterious boy exits the crater and lands next to Beetroo and Goku on the Ground. They all powered down to their base form.

???: Wow, that was just incredible beetroo We might actually be able to stop the andriods. Especially with you AND Goku's help!

Wow, that was some crazy fighting up there, Beetroo Way to go.

Beetroo: thanks.

???: I can tell you're even stronger than Goku... When it comes to raw strength that is. No offense Goku.

Goku: Hee-hee. It's okay! I've noticed that too.
Seeing him this powerful motivates me to get even stronger!

Beetroo: thanks guy you both are strong as well. And what did you mean by andriods?

Goku: Yeah, you lost me at that part too.

???: Oh right, I should explain what's going on, and why I wanted to talk to you guys in the first place.

Goku: Finally, I've been waiting.

Beetroo: me too.

???: Fine, I'll tell you everything. But please, it's important that you guys make sure not to tell anyone else what I'm about to tell you.

Goku: Gotcha, don't worry. Talk away. Your secrets are safe with me.

Beetroo: And if they aren't, I'll make sure to beat goku up for you.

Goku: Oh you!

???: might be difficult to believe what I'm about to say but... I've come here from twenty years into the future. Using a Time Machine

Goku: T-The future?!


Trunks: My name is "Trunks", I'm Vegeta's son.

Goku&beetroo WHAT?! VEGETA'S SON?!

Trunks: Please, try not to be too loud.

Goku: Actually... Now that you mention it. You do kinda look like him.

Beetroo: I didn't know vegeta has a son in the future.

Trunks: My mother is right over there too.

Beetroo: B-bulma? Your mother!

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