Dragon ball z season 1 episode 11 goku get his body stolen

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Narrator: last time on dragon ball z captain ginyu has take our beloved hero body and it's up to Beetroo and the rest to get it back find out on todays dragon ball z

Beetroo Kinibi gohan and krillin had got the dragon balls before anyone else could see them and the headed back to were goku was at. 


Beetroo: we've got the dragon balls goku!

Krillin: Yeah, hey Goku!!

Beetroo closely inspected Goku.

Beeteoo: hey Krillin, I don't think that's g-

Krillin flies over to Goku.

Krillin: So Goku, me, Gohan, and Beetroo  found the dragon balls with the Dragon radar.

Jeice: What the hell is a dragon radar?

Krillin: Goku, I thought you were fighting this guy, what happened. Did he turn over a new leaf or something?

Goku???: Nevermind that. So kurly, did you get to make your wish

Krillin: Um...No? We don't know that password.
Also why did you call me kurly? Is that a new nickname or something?

Goku???: Perhaps, now why don't you be a good boy and give that dragon radar to your good ol friend Goku.

Beetroo: krillin don't give it to him that's not goku!

Krillin: Hey, now that you mention it, tha-

Ginyu goku hits krillin in the face send him far away. Krillin comes flying back holding his cheek in pain.

Goku???: You should've just ignored him and gave it to me!


Beetroo: who are you and what have you done with the real goku?!

Goku:  It's I, the amazing Captain Ginyu! I've swapped bodies with Goku! Don't worry, he's probably dead now anyway. 

Ginyu: Well, not exactly.

Everyone looks to see Goku in a damaged Ginyu

Gohan: Daddy! What happened to you!

*Gohan says trying not to cry*

Kinibi: goku!

Ginyu: I don't know! He just shot a beam at me, and now we've switched bodies. Please don't cry Gohan.

Beetroo: Ginyu... let's him go!

Goku: And now, with my newfound powers, I'll destroy all of you!

Ginyu says while powering up.

Goku: Jeice, what does my power level on the radar say now!?

Jeice: 23,000, sir.

Goku: SEE!? A WHOOPING 23,000!!
AHAHAHAHAHAH! Wait..... Did you say only

Jeice: I swear sir, that's what it says!

Ginyu: You need to be one with the body, in order to use it to it's maximum! It requires a lot of training.

Goku: Wh-WHAT!!

Beetroo: He's saying goku is the only that knows how his body works and nobody else does!

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