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I woke up to the song 'out of my league' by fitz and the tentrums playing. I set it as my alarm two years ago on some cheap alarm clock i bought myself from a drug store. It let me chose a song as the alarm, i chose this song knowing it's loud and more of a happy song, the perfect thing to wake up to. I look at the time. 4:30 am. I'm always the first awake. It's a Monday, and the first day of school.

I turn off the alarm and sit up. I sit there considering going back to sleep. After two minutes of sitting in silence i decided to step out of bed. I look in the full body mirror next to my bed. I look good today. I go to my closet and grab a pair of pants and a short sleeve shirt. I quitely leave my room and go to the bath to take my usual 15 minute shower. I style my hair with a towel and hair dryer. I'm satisfied with the way it looks. I go back to my bedroom and look at the time 4:50. I look in the full body mirror. I'm content with how I look. I put on socks and shoes before leaving my room and going to my brothers.

"Wake up sunshine!" I say loudly as I pull his blanket off him.

"Mmm kill your self" he said tiredly.

"Oh you're to kind, i love you too" i say as I turn on his lights and leave the room.

I go to my older sisters room and poke my head in. It's dimly lit in her room. She's sitting at her desk writing down in a note book. The lamp on her desk lights up her face and hands.

"Hey it's almost five, I'm making waffles and bacon. You want some I can bring up a plat." I say.

She turns to me not even surprised to see me. She smiles at me as she closes her note book and stands up.

"Yeah, knock first I'll be getting dressed and stuff" she said sitting on her bed.

I nod my head and close her door. I turn on the hallway light. I look in my room and noticed i left my phone on my desk. I go in a grab it to check my notifications. No texts, only app reminders. I put my phone in my pocket and go to my youngest sisters room quietly opening and closing the door as I walked in. She was only home for a week, she had to go back to the hospital for a little next week. She's looking out her window watching as birds fly to the bird feeder outside.

"Hey Mia, I'm making waffles and bacon. What kind of waffles do you want?" I said walking over to her.

"Uh, chocolate?" She said looking up at me.

"Of course, anything for my favorite lady" i said smiling at her.

We stared out the window as birds flew away then came back

"What are you going to do when I die?" She said looking at the window not me.

"..." i didn't know what i was going to do if she died. I stared at her for a little as she watched the birds, a content look on her face.

"I don't know." I replied looking at bird feeder.

"Good." She said.

We watched birds together for a few minutes in silence. Her alarm made a loud annoying ringing noise at 5:00. I left her room and went to our kitchen. I made the waffle batter replaying my sisters words in my head "good" she doesn't want us to forget her. We never could. But she thinks we will. I poured the mix into the waffle maker and started working on the bacon. "What are you going to do when I die?" What am i going to do? I finished the food and set it on the table. I poured a cup of coffee and a cup of juice.

I brought the coffee and juice to my parents room. I set the drinks down on their side table and left the room. I put two waffles and some bacon on a plate, i put a fork and knife on the top of the waffles and grabbed a monster from our fridge. I brought the plate of food and monster to Lisa's room. I made sure to knock. She opened the door and took the food.

"God this house would fall apart with out you Karl" Lisa giggled as she set the food down.

"Yeah? You think so?"

"Oh definitely!" She said stuffing food in her mouth.

I left the room and knocked loudly on my brothers door. There was a thud and then shuffling. He opened the door.

"Come get something to eat you bozo" i said to him before walking to my little sisters room.

A light knock on her door. "Mia i made breakfast, come get some when you're dressed"

I sat at the table and stared at the food on my plate. I stabbed the waffles a bit and poked the bacon.

"You eating that?" My brother asked

"Nah I'm not hungry" i said standing up and walking to the fridge.

"Good" he said pulling my plate to his spot at the table.

"Fat ass" i giggled as I grabbed a monster from the fridge.

I pulled my phone out and checked the time, 5:42. I put it back in my pocket and opened the monster. I cleaned out the kitchen as my little brother ate the food I cooked. My little sister came out of her room and ate the amount her doctor recommended. She helped me clean up a little. I checked the time when we finished cleaning up. 6:09. I sighed and made sure my brothers back pack was ready.

"Lisa i need your keys, i need to get to class on time." I said walking into my older sisters room.

She through them at me, i caught them and left her room. I grabbed my bag and said goodbye to my little sister before leaving the house with my little brother. We stopped at a gas station and got some sandwiches for lunch. I dropped him off at his school and drove to mine.

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