A New Job And A New Freind

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(Wally will be in the next episode)
I set down the last box in my brand house in a brand new neighborhood. "This is it" I thought my dream neighborhood. I take a walk outside and see a butterfly field. I decide a look wouldn't hurt. I walk over and see a wide variety of butterflies. I sit down on a bench and let all of them land on my fingers and shoulders. Another neighbor walks up to me with a butterfly net and a sour expression.
F: You must be the new burden.
His attitude completely changed he saw the butterfly in my hand.
F: That's one of the rarest butterflies ever! How did you find it?!
Y/n: Oh I just sat down and it landed in my hand.
F: you must be amazing with butterflies!
Y/n: I'm guessing you were looking for it?
F: I was actually.
I gently place the butterfly into his net.
Y/n: I'm Y/n L/n.
F: Frank Frankly. You're pretty pleasant for a person who showed up out of nowhere.
Y/n: yeah I get that often.
We both laugh and I smile. Strange to know my first friend is really grumpy.
F: You should meet my husband, Eddie. You too seem very alike.
Y/n: Well I was going to unpack but that can wait I'm always willing to meet someone new.
F: Alright! Let's go! Follow me! I'll also introduce you to Julie! She's my best friend!
Y/n: Great! I'd love to!
A few hours later Eddie, Frank, Julie and I are having a nice time outside. It was nice to have some new friends to have a good time with. All of a sudden the topic of work comes up.
J: Y/n did you say you were looking for a job?
Y/n: oh yeah I did why?
J: well there's an opening at Howdy's store!
E: come on we'll take you there!
We all walk over to Howdy's store and go inside. It was a really nice store with all of its colorful fruits and everything.
E: Hey Howdy! The new neighbor is here looking for a job-
H: You're hired!
F: What's the matter with you?
H: Wally just came in and stole a bunch of apples so I'm gonna need help keeping him from doing it again. You can start once you get settled in.
Y/n: okay perfect! Thanks uh...-
H: Howdy, Howdy pillar.
Y/n: Y/n L/n.

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