The Big Moment

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Y/n's pov:
*Time skip a few minutes*
We arrived at the ceremony and I was weak in the knees. Frank held on to me so I wouldn't fall.
F: Hey hey calm down, it'll
Y/n: how do I know that!? What if he just runs and never comes back!?
F: he won't! Listen, take some deep breaths and focus on you and wally. I do so and I start to calm down. I smile and nod.
Y/n: Let do this!
Frank locks his arm with mine as the music starts.
Eddie is at the front being the speaker.
E: Every one please rise.
Everyone stands, the music plays, and we walk down the aisle.
Me and wally's eyes meet. We both blush and smile. Frank let's go of my arm and he sits down. I stand in my position, hold wally's hands and looks into his eyes.
E: Do you, Wally Darling, take Y/n as your lawfully wedded partner?
W: I do.
E: And do you, Y/n L/n, Take Wally as your lawfully wedded husband?
Y/n: I do.
E: By the power invested by me, I now pronounce you husband and neighbour. You may now kiss the neighbour.
Wally spins me around, leans us both down and we kiss, making it official! Everyone starts clapping but Frank was crying. I smile, being the happiest I've been in my entire life. I mean, it's unbelievable me though I'm currently in that moment. Me? Getting married? I've had this dream for a long time but I'd never I'd be able to get married to someone like Wally. It was amazing! We danced, sang, ate delicious food, and I even got to throw the bouquet of flowers behind my head for someone to catch it. Eddie ended up catching it and he got so excited! After a full night, everyone walks home. I went to bed knowing that now, I am Y/n Darling.

The apple of my eye (Wally x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now