Another Sleepover

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I show up to Eddie and Frank's house with Wally after what had happened with my sister. We had decided to spend the night at thier house as some form of comfort. I wasn't very good being alone because of my past, so spending time with the people I'm close with really helps me cope with my childhood trauma. We sit down on the floor and begin to play some board games Eddie and Frank had provided. It felt great to laugh again after what had happened earlier. It was like a double date! It was so fun! I tried my best to keep down those memories but eventually they caught up to me. While no one was around I began to silently cry. The three boys were in the kitchen making snacks. I curled up into ball under my blanket, shaking and crying.
F: Hey do you guys hear that...?
E: Hear what?
F: It's sounds like...crying.
E: Are you sure?
W: I'll go check on Y/n and make sure they're okay.
Wally comes into the living room with the couple close behind.
E: Y/n...?
F: Guys they're over here.
Everyone walks over to where I was curled up, on the verge of a panic attack. They all sit down next to me and calm me down. All three look at each other, worried there might be something seriously wrong. I wipe away the tears and try to act like I'm fine.
Y/n: Guys, I'm fine, really theres no need to worry. It was just a little Flashback.
F: whatever you say Y/n. Just- take a second to calm down. We'll leave you here with Wally while while me and Eddie finish making food.
Y/n: Okay...
Eddie and frank go back to the kitchen. Wally put an apple in my hand and smiled at me.
W: It'll all be okay she's gone now.
I smile, give him back the apple, and lay my head on his shoulder and close my eyes. I feel wally pat my head so I look at him and0 give him a peck on the cheek. He looks back at me and smiles again.
W: How did I get to be with someone like you?
Y/n: It's fate.
Eddie and Frank come back in the room.
F: Looks like you two got comfortable.
E: Frank! Don't tease them! You know we were just the same!
We all laugh at Frank's statement. I was so lucky to have friends like Eddie and Frank and a partner like Wally. After we all ate, the couples snuggled up as we watched a movie. I had to admit, wally looked adorable when he was half asleep, and Eddie and Frank were like a sweet old married couple. Well, they are married but they're not old. We all quickly fall asleep. Ending another amazing sleepover.

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