The Sleepover

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I showed up to Julie's house extremely nervous. When she opened the door and since wally wasn't there yet me, Julie, Eddie, and Frank began talking about how we were going to do this. We decided on 7 minutes in heaven but I had to act like I wasn't madly in love with him (which would be extremely hard) and I had to act surprised if we had got 7 minutes together. When wally showed up all the fun started. We played games, eat weird foods Julie had, until it was finally time fir the moment everyone was waiting for.
J: Alright everyone! We have a new to play called 7 minutes in heaven! How it works is  someone will pick a name from this hat and whoevers name they get, they have to spend 7 minutes with then in the closet! Wally you pick a name first!
W: Oh okay
Wally goes over to Julie and picks a name from the hat.
W: It's Y/n
That smart girl! She had put only my name in that hat! I see Wally blush which made me blush. In my mind I was trying not to break down and have a panic attack "You're okay Y/n you've gotta do it! This is your chance to tell him how you really feel!" Julie quickly shoved both of us in the closet and locked the door.
J: Good luck lovebirds!
That sentence made both of our faces go red. I turned on the light and sat down in the cramped closet trying not to spill everything out at once. Wally sit down as well and we just sit in silence for the first 5 minutes. Wally clears his throat, I saw he was blushing.
W: s-so Y/n I have something to tell you...
Y/n: oh okay I'm listening.
W: Well...I'll be completely honest with you...I-I love you...and I have ever since I met you. I always admired how kind, good looking, smart and funny you are. I know you probably don't feel the the same way I just need to tell you tonight or else I probably never would.
I feel my cheeks go pink even though I had a feeling it was coming.
Y/n: I love you too wally.
I lean forward and gently but passionately kiss him. I pull away after a few seconds. Wally was bright red and studdering.
W: Y-Y/n... First off w-why did you do that? A-and second, why did you stop!? C-can give you one too...?
I nod and he leans forward and we follow the same pattern.
W: so a-are we like...official now...?
I giggle and nod. From outside we hear the timer go off and as we try to stand up at least 30 blankets fall on top of us. Julie opens the door as we make our way out of the soft pile. Wally runs out at the speed if light and hides in his sleeping bag. I explain what happened to Julie, Eddie, and Frank in the kitchen and we all embrace each other in a tight group hug.
J: good job Y/n! The ship finally sailed!

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