Reverse Comfort

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(Tw: mentions of death and blood)
Wally's pov:
I walk into the front door and what I saw made me instantly cry. I saw home had killed Y/n. They were stabbed several times in the stomach and chest, strung up with home's black goo.
W: Home! How could you!?
Home drops them and their lifeless eyes look at at me. I start to break down crying and shaking.
W: I'm sorry Y/n... I should've been here...
I hold their hand tightly and cry.
W: Why home?! Why did you take them from me!?
Before I get an answer he impails me in the chest. And that's when I wake up.
My breathing is heavy and tears roll down my cheeks.
Y/n's Pov:
I was half asleep when I saw wally crying and breathing heavily. I sit up and look at him.
Y/n: Wally what's wrong?
He hugs me tightly and cries into my shoulder. I just sit there quietly rubbing his back until he calms down enough to talk a bit better.
W: I-I had a nightmare. Y-you were killed. You d-died...
Y/n: Hey, it's okay I'm not gonna die anytime soon. I'll always be here for you. Don't worry.
Wally just had a breakdown and let out everything. I gave him a box of tissues and he uses them. I pat his back and hold him close. After a while, he stopped crying but he was still scared.
W: Y/n... please don't leave me alone...
Y/n: Hey i'm not ever going to leave you. Not ever.
I give wally a few kisses and he snuggles up into me. After a minute he starts to smile again.
Y/n: Hey how about we watch a movie to calm you down a bit?
W: okay.
We cuddle up next to each other, watching a movie. Wally hugs me tightly and looks at me.
W: I love you a lot Y/n I want to make sure you know that.
Y/n: I love you too wally.
(If you like Rainbow factory Wally then check out my friends story, Blossom_asuka they've got a great rf wally story!)

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