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I wake up the next morning and see Wally is still asleep. He had a hold of me so I couldn't move or else I would wake him up. It'd a good think I don't work on weekends, other wise I would've felt guilty all day for leaving wally at home when he's in this state. I lay there staying still, trying my best not to wake him up. Wally slowly wakes up after a few minutes. He's still a little tipsy from how much apple juice he drank yesterday.
W: Hello darling~
He isn't slurring his words but now, he's acting more- flirty to put it lightly.
Y/n: Hey are you feeling alright?
W: better now that you're with me~
His flirtatious words made giggle and blush.
W: Y/n~Have I ever told you how cute you  look when you blush~
Wally kisses me a few times.
W: I love you so much~
Wally pulls me closer to him and I just stopped fighting because I new there was no point. Besides, I kind of enjoyed when he was trying to flirt.
Y/n: I love you too wally.
He kisses me at least 10 more times
W: I could kiss you all day Y/n~
His flirtatious tone made me laugh.
Y/n: You are a strange one Wally Darling.
W: No~ You're my darling~
Y/n: whatever you say dear.
Wally soon fell asleep again but just for a few minutes. When he woke up again he's finally sobered up but he complained of a massive headache.
W: what happened...? Why is your face all red...?
I filled him in on what he had done just before he had went back to sleep.
W: I said that?
I nod.
W: Oh, strange.
Y/n: Here, you stay here and lay down and I'll go get you some apples.
W: Yes!
I got up and went to the kitchen and got 2 apples. I also got a flower from outside. I went back to the bedroom and I saw Wally's face lights up as soon as I opened the door. I set down the apples and he instantly blinked them down.
W: Thank you Y/n. I love you.
Y/n: I love you too wally.
Wally snuggles up to me and falls back asleep. I pick up my book and begin to read in again, while wally was asleep, and smiling. I can just tell wally isn't going to drink apple juice for a long while.

The apple of my eye (Wally x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now