Getting Ready For The Big Day

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(Wally's outfit above. Not my art)
*Time skip*
I wake up ecstatic. Today's finally the big day! I'm getting married to Wally, the love of my life! I quickly get and rush to Julie's house. Julie, Sally, Eddie, and Frank are already there. I knock on the door and Sally answers.
Sally: Guys they're here! Come on Y/n!
I smile and come inside and I am instainly tackled with hugs.
F: Y/n this is amazing!
J: I cant believe you're getting married today!
Y/n: I can't either!
E: It seems just like yesterday he was too flustered to even talk to you.
S: Hey you guys remember when they kissed him on the forehead?
J: he looked like the cutest little red apple!
E: Alright enough messing around! Let's get started!
First was outfits, we look around in Julie's close and found the perfect one!

S: Hey you guys remember when they kissed him on the forehead?J: he looked like the cutest little red apple! E: Alright enough messing around! Let's get started!First was outfits, we look around in Julie's close and found the perfect one!

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(You can just choose which ever you prefer. None are my art)
Y/n: It's perfect!
F: I thought that would've took longer.
S: Go and try it on Y/n!
I quickly go and change and then walk back out to show the group.
J: Awww! Y/n! You look so cute!
F: That fits you perfectly!
E: Y/n you look stunning!
S: We absolutely need accessories!
We spend a few minutes picking out accessories and we come out with the perfect outfit.
Wally's pov:
My eyes open as I hear a knock at the door. I then remembered what day it is and rushed to open the door. It was Howdy and Barnaby coming to help me get ready. Home was also going to help me so everyone was here. Y/n wasn't at home because they are getting help with Julie, Sally, Eddie, and Frank. Which meant we get started right away. I've always heard if you saw your partner before the ceremony it would bring bad luck. And I didn't want bad luck on a day like this.
H: I'm so proud of you little buddy!
B: You're gonna nail it today wally!
H: I still remember the first time you two met.
W: uh- let's not bring that up.
We got started and home picked out a interesting but exciting outfit for me. I go to try it on and I must admit, I was looking good. I step out of the dressing room and twos mouth drops.
H: You look amazing wally!
Barnaby put on a fake British accent.
B: absolutely superb.
We all laughed at his horrible attempt at an accent. It was almost time to head to the place where this ceremony would be hosted. I was absolutely a nervous trainwreck. I was sweating, shaking and internally screaming. Howdy noticed i wasn't doing very well and he patted my back.
H: You're okay little buddy. You'll do great!
W: I-im just scared they'll say no...
H: Hey, don't worry. You've already made it this far. Don't worry about thinking about that stuff, just think about you and Y/n together.
I took a deep breath and nodded. I am ready.

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