A Kiss On The Forehead

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Everyone sat in silence blushing.
W: A-are you sure...?
J: Yeah why not? Plus, I've got I ship I need to sail!
What caught my attention is the wink at the end of that sentence. Wally must have a crush on someone! Although, it's hard to tell who it is. I haven't really seen how he's interacted with others as he's been locked in his house most of the time.
J: Fine. If it makes it better, we'll do hugs instead of kisses.
Everyone sighs in relief.
J: Frank why don't you go first?
F: Oh okay
Frank spins the bottle and it lands on Eddie. Shouldve guessed. They hug and then Eddie spins and it lands on wally.
Eddie: come here little guy.
The two hug then wally spins and it lands on...me? Wally blushes.
W: do we have any skips?
J: no go on hug them!
Wally comes over to me and gently hugs me, face bright red I hug back giggling a little. Julie whispers to sally
J: watch, after Y/n gives someone a hug they always kiss that person on the forehead.
S: ooh this is gonna be good.
Everyone eagerly watches as they know what's coming next. Wally pulls away from our embrace and a lean down and kiss him on the forehead. Wally goes more red then a tomato and faints. Since howdy was right next to me he caught the little tomato with two of his arms. I panicked a little since I didn't know he was going to react like that.
Y/n: what did I do?!
F: Calm down Y/n. He's just not used to stuff like that.
Y/n: oh thank goodness I thought I killed him!
Everyone laughs and Howdy lays him down on his sleeping bag.
*Time Skip*
We were watching movies and having snacks. Me and wally were sitting next to each other when my eyelids had become to feel heavy. I yawned and my head fell onto wally's shoulder and I drifted off into a peaceful sleep.
(Wally's pov)
Felt Y/n's head fall onto my shoulder and everyone suddenly looked at us.
W: Julie...what do I do...?!
J: well don't move you'll wake them up...!
W: But-
S: shh!
I blush and stay still as I possibly could. Ever since I met Y/n in Howdy's store I had a crush on them. And this moment had me internally screaming. I never thought I would be able to even be friends with them, let alone get a hug and a kiss on the forehead! I let my body relax a bit and a snuggled into them ignoring everyone's giggles and fell asleep.

The apple of my eye (Wally x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now