Who's 5ft tall And Drunk?

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A/n: This chapter is inspired by the video above. Also, instead of Alcohol, it will be replaced by apple juice like in the video.
*Time skip to one week later*
It was my day off and Wally went to go the store to get something. I sit down and I start to read while I wait for wally to get back. About a few hours later, Wally comes stumbling through the front door. I go to the livingroom to welcome him when I noticed me was stumbling and kind of red in the face.
Y/n: Uh Wally...?
Wally also was slurring his words.
W: Hello darling~
Y/n: Wally...? A-are you drunk?
W: I-I'm not drunk~ I only had- hang on lemme count- one...two...four- I only had f-three full- bottles of apple juice.
Y/n: 3!? How did howdy let you buy 3 bottles-
I was cut of by Wally repeatedly kissing me at least 4 times. I didn't even notice I was blushing until Wally said something about it.
W: Oh Y/n you look so cute when you blush~
Y/n: Wally stop you're drunk-
I was cut off again by Wally's kisses.
W: I am not~
Y/n: Wally come on were going to bed. I'm sorry about this home.
Home just creaks. I hold onto wallys arm so he doesn't run into anything. As soon as we make it to the bedroom Wally flops down on the bed. I sit down next to him and call Howdy for help.
H: what do you mean he's drunk?
Y/n: I mean he's extremely drunk! Why did you let him buy 3 bottles of apple juice!?
H: Wait what? He didn't buy anything!
Y/n: He stole them!?
H: that's what it looks like.
Y/n: can you please come over I don't know how to deal with a drunk person.
H: Julie's been like this before I think I know. I'll be over in a bit.
Y/n: Thank you so much Howdy.
H: No problem sister.
Later, after Howdy showed up we were trying to figure out how to take care of a drunk wally. I guess one thing I know now is that wally gets emotional when he's drunk. One minute he's trying to kiss me the next minute he's crying his eyes out. When he's drunk, he acts like a child. After hours of chasing after wally around the house, he finally wore himself out and fell asleep I thank Howdy many times for his help. After he leaves wally looks at me, half asleep.
W: Y/n...do you love me...?
Y/n: Yes of course, why?
W: Elizabeth told me that you could never love someone like me...a blueberry head that talks to his house- no offense home. I thought maybe it was true.
I was speechless. My sister had told Wally that I would never love him. It made me so angry.
Y/n: Hey, don't believe anything she says. She's lied to you because she wanted you to herself.
Mid sentence I hug him.
Y/n: and I will love you unconditionally. You are very important to me and I wouldn't give you up for the world.
We both smile at each other. Wally is still tipsy and extremely tired. He snuggles into me and quickly falls asleep, smiling and still hugging onto me. I lay him down, cover him up and lay down next to him.
Y/n: Good night my darling. Sweet dreams.

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