The proposal

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A/n: (there will be a scene like the video above but (Wally started it) i will put a warning before and after the paragraph if you don't want to read it.)
Y/n's pov:
I hear the front door open and close.
Y/n: oh hey wally you're back!
W: yeah, it's night come with me I've got something I wanna show you.
Y/n: oh okay.
I go outside with Wally and we lay down in the grass.
Y/n: you wanna show me the sky?
W: well, no but you just have to be patient.
Wally's pov:
I grip the box tightly in my hand out of Y/n's sight. I was extremely nervous. It's because I know there's a chance that they'll say no. And I really didn't want that. I wanted to stay with Y/n forever. They mean everything to me. I don't want to be left alone. I love them and I wouldn't want them to leave me. It would just be like driving a knife through my heart.
W:Hey...Y/n I've got a question for you.
Y/n: okay. Go ahead.
Y/n's pov:
Wally asked me to stand up for a question he had to ask. I was confused but I didn't really question anything he asked. Once we got up, I noticed he had something in his head. I was confused up until Wally got down on one knee and I saw what was in his hand was a ring in a box.
W: Y/n L/n, will you make me the happiest blueberry alive, and marry me?
I was stunned and speechless I just slowly nod and slowly my brain registers what going on.
Y/n: Yes!
I quickly tackle Wally into a tight hug, starting to happily cry. Wally slides the ring onto my finger and he hugs back quickly and tightly.
W: y'know I love you a lot Y/n.
Y/n: yeah I can tell. I love you too Wally.
(Warning skip this part if you don't want to read it)
Wally pulls away from our lovely hug and he begins to kiss me. I close my eyes and kiss him back. This quickly escalates to "making out" or whatever you call it. Whatever it was it felt nice. It was like the world was silent and I all I could hear was my heart beat starting to grow faster.
(End of scene)
Wally pulls away and we both head inside. Home creaks which I assume meant congratulations because Wally thanked him. We both go into the bedroom and me and wally begin the same pattern as outside but more comfortably on the bed.
Y/n: wally~ you're gonna get me all flustered.
W: now you're really a darling.
Y/n: I guess you're right.
We continue our "long kiss" and a few minutes later wally starts to fall asleep. He lays beside me with me snuggled up to him. He looks at me just before he falls asleep.
W: Y/n, I love you so much.
Y/n: I love you too wally.
W: good night darling.
He snuggles up to me and falls asleep holding me close. It was insane to think that now, I am the fiancé of wally darling. And soon, I'll become a darling as well. I close my eyes with these thoughts passing through my head. I fall asleep, knowing I would wake up and be labeled "Wally's Fiancé" and I didn't mind. It's everything I've always wanted to be.

The apple of my eye (Wally x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now