A New Outfit

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I wake up in the grass, next to wally. Last night we were watching the stars after a magical dance. I try to get up but he has a hold of me. I try to wake him up by shaking him.
Y/n: Wally, I have to go to work.
Wally lies in dead sleep not letting go. I somehow get him off of me and I go inside and lay him down on my bed. I cover him up and make sure he's nice and warm. I go in the other room and change into my work uniform. I quickly get to work and open up the store. Howdy comes in and seems to be in usually good mood.
H: So, how did it go?
Y/n: How did what go?
H: Did the ship sail?
Y/n: well he's currently sleeping in my bed. You put together the rest.
I say in a sarcastic but happy tone.
H: Finally I thought that never would've happened.
Y/n: What do you mean by that?
H: I thought you never would've confessed!
Y/n: Why not?
H: I'm not gonna lie, You're kinda mousy girl.
Y/n: Hey!
H: Im kidding!
I laugh and spray him with the water in the spray bottle I was using.
*Time Skip*
I'm working the cash register while Howdy cleans the store. I look at the door and see Wally come in.
Y/n: Hey wally! What can I get for you?
W: Apples!
Y/n: shouldve guessed. They're on the shelf over there.
Wally goes over and grabs some apples then comes back to the counter and sets down at least 10 of them.
Y/n: Will this be all?
W: Mhm!
Wally sets down some money on the counter, grabs his apples and leaves. I watch him leave.
*Time Skip*
Wally invited me over and we were having a nice conversation with home me and wally. Home was kind of annoyed by the way me and wally were staring at each other with lovey dovey eyes. Wally steps out to use the restroom for a minute. I quickly stand up and go to wally's closet.
Y/n: Shh, home don't you say a thing!
Wally's pov:
I was just coming back from the bathroom and saw Y/n wasn't in my room anymore.
W: Y/n...? Where'd you go...?
Y/n: N-nowhere!
W: Y/n? Where are you?
Y/n: Nowhere!
I heard theyre voice coming from my closet. Why in there?
W: Y/n, why are you in my closet?
Y/n: No reason! Don't open the door!
W: What's wrong?
Y/n: It's just- embarrassing...
W: Oh it can't be that bad.
I open the door and see Y/n wearing my clothes. They looked so cute wearing them, it made me smile.
W: Y/n, you look adorable!
That made them blush.
Y/n: really...?
W: yeah of course!
Y/n's pov:
I turn bright red. He called me Adorable!!! I thought wallys clothes looked comfortale and I wanted to try them. He said I was cute! That's the best compliment you can get from wearing your partners clothes! I smile and hug him tightly. I gently kiss him, closing my eyes. His eyes flutter shut as well, making him blush. It was nice to finally have a partner after being alone almost my whole life. It was even better to have a partner like Wally Darling. He is smart, funny, sweet, not to mention good-looking. I feel like he truly is my soulmate.

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