A Rainy Day

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*Time Skip*
It was the morning after the "spin the bottle incident". I woke up to the sounds of giggling. I open my eyes and saw wally snuggled into me. I smiled and did the same.
J: Sally get the camera!
S: Yes!
Wally opened his eyes and went brighter than the apples he steals. Sally takes pictures of the two of us together.
W: Sally stop!!
Everyone giggles and I just sit there smiling snuggled into the little guy.
*Time Skip*
Me and Howdy were done with our shifts for the day. I was disappointed when I looked outside and saw it was raining. I grabbed an umbrella out of the backroom and head outside. I was was about to head to my house when I saw wally under a tree hiding from the rain. Not very well I might add. The little guys hair was down and he was soaking wet from head to toe. I walked over and held the umbrella over him.
Y/n: you shouldn't stay outside in the rain. You could catch a cold.
W: well I wish I could go inside. Home locked me out again because he thinks I'm already inside.
Y/n: Oh that's okay you can stay at my house until the rain stops. Then I can try to convince home to let you back in.
W: Oh okay that sounds nice.
The two of us walked to my house and when we got there I gave a wally a towel. I then noticed he was shivering.
Y/n: Hey wally you don't have to just stand at the door. I'll get you some clothes and a blanket. Here, come with me.
I lead wally up to my room and handed him a old small sweater and some pants that could be tightened. I left the room so he could change. When he came out he looked so cute in oversized clothes. I gave him a blanket and let him snuggle on the couch. I went to the kitchen and got some F/f and ate quickly then I can back to wally and gave him an apple. He got really excited and instainly dug in.
Y/n: are you any warmer?
W: mhm thank you neighbour's.
It looked like something was on wally's wanted to cuddle but was too scared to ask.
Y/n: you want to cuddle?
He blushed and nodded slowly.
I sat down and wrapped my arms around the little guy and snuggled with him. Again, his face turned as red as an apple. He must've been tired because he almost immediately fell asleep. I fell asleep soon after. But before I did, I felt my heart beating loudly in my chest. Was it possible I was falling for Wally?

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