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*Time skip*
I was just about to leave work for the weekend. Now, everyone knows about me and wally being engaged. I hang up my apron in the backroom and say goodbye to Howdy.
Y/n: love ya Howdy! See you Monday!
H: love ya too Y/n! See you then! Oh I'll be out of town for the weekend so I'm not gonna be here.
Y/n: okay there shouldn't be any problems. Have a safe trip Howdy!
I start to walk to home.
Y/n: Hey home! Let me in?
I saw in home eyes that he looked disappointed. Now that I've lived here for a while, I've learned home's language.
Y/n: what's wrong home?
Home: Wally's got a hold of the apple juice again. He's more flirty this time.
I sigh and come inside.
Y/n: Wally...?
W: Darling~ You're back~
Y/n: Wally-
I was cut off by him kissing me, for a while.
W: I love you so much Y/n~
Y/n: Yes, I know, that's why we're engaged.
W: hm I should've put that ring on your finger sooner~
Y/n: Wally, you're drunk.
W: No im not~ I'm just happy to see you~
he stumbles over and falls into me but thankfully I catch him. His hair falls down and he just seems tired.
Y/n: Come on were going to bed.
W: No~ I wanna keep kissing you~
Y/n: you can kiss me after you go to bed.
W: fine~
When we get in the bedroom, wally flops onto the bed and falls asleep.
*Time skip*
I take wally on walk to get him some fresh air. Supposedly, there was a visitor here visiting Frank. The visitor is currently with Frank in the butterfly field. Me and wally sit there not seeing Frank and the visitor.
Frank's Pov:
A person I went to school with came to visit me. Since we both enjoy butterflies we head to the butterfly field to look at and maybe catch some. I got distracted with a textbook so I didn't even see them staring at Y/n.
?: who's that cutie over there?
F: huh? Oh that's Y/n. They moved here a couple of years ago. I wouldn't recommend going over there-
Before I could finish they were already there.
Wally's pov:
I'm sitting with Y/n in the butterfly field when the visitor comes up to them and starts to horribly flirt with them. I give them a death glare but they didn't seem to care.
?: So how about you leave this blueberry head and come with me and I can show you a real good time.
What made me snap was that sentence with a wink at the end of it.
W: Darling, can you look at me for a second?
They look over at me and I kiss Y/n.
?: O-oh are you guys dating?
Y/n: more than that.
They lift thier hand and show the low life the ring that I put on their finger.
?: I'm so sorry I mean- can you blame me?!
W: scram.
As the "visitor" goes back to Frank they begin to run. Look like they know common sense.
Frank's pov:
F: so how'd that work out for ya?
?: Dude how are you friends with them? Those guys are freaks!
I glare at them with a serious expression.
F: get out. Get out of this neighborhood.
?: what?
F: you heard me. If you're going to make fun of my friends because they rejected you, you're not welcome here. Now get out before I go and get wally.
?: what is wrong with you people?!
The visitor packs his stuff and quickly leaves. I walk over to the pair and ask if there okay and they both nod.
Y/n's pov:
That certainly was an interesting individual. After Frank left I felt wally staring at me. I looked over and saw him staring and smiling with his hair, turned into the shape of a heart. I smile and point at his pompador. He tried to fix it but it kept turning into a heart whenever he looked at me. We both laughed and started to head home. Other than that little bump in the road, I'd say the night went great!

The apple of my eye (Wally x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now