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(A/n: In the story wally is 5 foot tall)
A couple of days have gone by and I've met all the neighbors. Well except for wally. He's been locked in his house ever since he had stolen apples from Howdy. I woke up and got ready for work. Howdy was actually really nice and working there was actually really fun. I walked to work and when I arrived I started cleaning then opened up the shop before Howdy came in. I heard the bell letting me know the door was opening.
Y/n: here this early Howdy?
I looked over at the door and saw a 5 ft tall Yellow skinned person with blue hair styled into Pompidou.
Y/n: oh you must be wally darling. I'm Y/n L/n. nice to meet you!
He was completely silent. I looked back at his hair and saw it was in the shape of a heart.
Y/n: I like your hair.
Wally's face was red.
W: Oh uh- I hear home calling me- gotta go!
He raced out of the store and ran into his house. Huh. Weird. Howdy came in through the door confused of why wally ran out with a red face.
H: what happened?
Y/n: I don't know I just said hi and he ran out.
H: he looked flustered too. maybe he likes you~ 
Howdy teased.
Y/n: I doubt it. It's kinda hard to love someone like me.
H: oh im sure it can't be that hard. Cmon let's go get started.

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