Hello Neighbour!

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It has been a few days since I had met wally. His reaction was a little strange I must admit. I hang up my apron in the backroom of Howdy's.
Y/n: see you at the picnic later Howdy!
H: See ya there!
Julie had planned a picnic and invite everyone in the neighborhood. I made my way back home and slipped into one of my favorite outfits. I brushed my hair out and put a flower behind my ear. I grabbed the plate of cookies off the counter then I hears a knock at the door. That's right. Me, Eddie, and Frank were walking there together. I opened the door and headed out with the pair. It was a really nice day. Good thing Julie decided on today to have with picnic. It wasn't too warm with just a slight breeze. Perfect for a picnic like this one. All three of us started talking about what we brought. Eddie had brought cheesecake and Frank had brought sandwiches. A few minutes we show up to spot. Almost everyone was there, except for wally.
Y/n: Hey im gonna go see if wallys alright you guys and go on without me
F: Alright just be careful!
I walk over to home and wave.
Y/n: Hey home is it okay if wally comes out?
Home just creaked which I guess meant yes because the door opened.
Y/n: Hey wally the doors open!
Wally raced out of the house all dressed up and ready to go.
W: finally outta there!
Y/n: Cmon wally, everyone's already at the spot. Let's go!
I look back at home and wave goodbye
Y/n: Thanks home! Bye now!
Homes door swings back and forth signifying a wave. Me and wally had an actual conversation on the way there. It was the first time we talked to each other with out him running away. We come back to the picnic spot, all of us finally there.
J: Y/n! You're back!
Y/n: Yeah wally got locked in again.
J: anyway now that everyone's here, let's talk about the sleepover at my house!
Julie wanted to have a sleepover at her house so that I would feel more welcome and comfortable with everyone here. Even though there was no need for that, I'm practically friends with everyone. But I didn't want to ruin her enthusiasm so I agreed.
Y/n: hm...I'll bring marshmallows and he can make some s'mores in the oven!
S: that's a great idea!
W: I'll bring apples!
H: I hope you pay for them.
W: yeah yeah I get it.
*Time skip*
The picnic went great! I pack my stuff for the sleepover and head over to Julie's house.
J: Hey Y/n everyone's already here!
Y/n: that's great!
J: you can just set your stuff anywhere the games about to start!
Julie runs off before I can ask anymore questions. I set my stuff down where everyone else's stuff is. I walk over and sit down with the group.
J: Alright now that everyone's here, let's play spin the bottle!

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