A Beautiful Serenade

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I was deep in sleep when I heard wally's voice whispering in my ear.
W: Y/n~ wake up~
I open my eyes and see Wally standing over me trying to wake me up. Since I was sleeping on the Julie's couch, I fell off from being startled. I landed hard, but thanks to Eddie sitting on the floor, putting his hand where the my head landed I wasn't hurt. If i wasn't awake already I definitely was now. Frank popped his head in from the kitchen, hearing the loud boom that came out of no where.
F: What was that?!
E: Y/n just fell.
Frank goes back into the kitchen and I sat up.
E: you okay Y/n?
Y/n: yeah I'm fine. thanks eddie- wally what was that?!
W:  I just couldnt wait to see my darling again.
My face goes bright red and I fainted landing back on Eddie's hand. A few minutes later I hear two faint voices intercepting with the ringing in my ears. It was Eddie and frank trying to wake me up. I also heard wally voice as well. As my ears stopped ringing I could hear them more clearly.
F: Wally what did you do?!
W: All I did was call them Darling!!
E: Y/n Wake up!!
I heard Julie opening the front door as she was coming back from getting some flowers.
J: guys what's going on?! Why is everyone yelling!?
I listened closer and I heard wally was crying, poor baby.
W: I called them Darling and t-they died!!!
F: wally they're not dead! Calm down!
W: No they're dead! It's my fault!
E: wally it's okay they just fainted!
J:Wally they're just flustered!
I feel myself start to regain consciousness and I open my eyes. I was laying on the ground with in front of me, wally crying and Eddie, Frank, and Julie trying to calm him down. As soon as wally sees me awake he rushes over so fast it looks as though he telep. He hugged me tightly and cried.
Y/n: Wally, I'm okay.
W: I'm sorry Y/n!!
I just sighed and rubbed his back. Everyone else joins in the hug and slowly, wally stops crying.
*Time skip*
Later, I'm reading a book, sitting on my bed when I hear a knock on my door so I go and answer it. As expected, it was wally.
W: Hello love.
Y/n:Hey wally, sorry for freaking you out earlier.
W: It's okay, can I come inside?
Y/n: You know you're welcome here anytime right??
W: Oh okay.
Wally steps inside.
Y/n: let me guess, home locked you out.
W: yes...
Y/n: I knew it.
W: and also I wanted to do something with you.
Y/n: what is it?
Wally turns on some music and holds out his hand.
W: My love, will you share this dance with me?
I just smiled and took his hand thinking "How did I land someone like Wally Darling?" As we danced through the sunset coming through the windows, the dance felt magical, as if we were dancing to a beautiful serenade for thousands of people to see. I felt as light as air as we danced with each other. After the dance the night ended with us outside, laying in the grass, watching the stars. I look over at wally and smile.
Y/n: I had fun tonight, Thank you wally.
W: You're welcome Darling.
Y/n: oh were doing that now? Okay dear.
We both smiled and I snuggled into him, falling asleep.

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