A Fight For Life

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(Tw: violence, guns)
All four of us sit in the butterfly feild. I swing my legs back and forth while reading a butterfly study book with frank while Eddie and Wally are off playing with the butterflies. Butterflies were how me and frank bonded when we first met. I also met Eddie and Julie through frank. Julie told me he doesn't warm up to people very well but since I study butterflies, he was quick to make friends with me. We talk about which ones were still looking for and which ones are our favorites. Eddie and Wally come over and sit down and they have no idea what we're talking about because we were using all of the scientific names.
E: are you guys even speaking English?
W: how do you even pronounce those?
Me and frank giggled at their confusion. I'm not sure why, but I just had a bad feeling about today. I ask Eddie about what happened at the beach.
Y/n: Hey Eddie, I've been wondering, how did you get to be that intimateding? I've always seen you as a sweet guy.
F: yeah I've never seen you so terrifying before.
E: well I just let loose all anger at once and I I just say what I want to do to them.
W: Hey guys do you hear that?
Y/n: Hear what?
W: It sounds like...police sirens.
F: Hey I hear it too.
E: Yeah me too. Do you hear them Y/n?
I listen closer.
Y/n: yeah I do.
W: but the police never come here. Why now?
2 police cars park in front of the butterfly feild. I then hear Elizabeth's annoying voice.
Elizabeth: That's them officers!
Oh great. She must've reported us for the other day at the beach.
W: Dear remember what I taught you?
I nod. Wally for some reason, decided to teach me how to fight hoping the one day it would be useful. I just have a feeling that it'll be useful in this moment. Frank and Eddie had no idea that we knew how to fight so hopefully they don't crap they're pants when they see how quick the police will be out. The police hold out their guns and tell all of us to get on the ground. Eddie and frank do as they're told but they were confused when they saw us still standing.
P1: Hey! I said get down!
W: actually you should be taking your own advice.
P2: Get down or we'll shoot!
F: wally! Y/n! Get down!
P2: I'd listen to your friend.
W: ready darling?
Y/n: ready.
At this point everyone was confused. Until we let loose and fought the best we could. I heard a gunshot go off but I couldn't see where it hit. The police quickly get in their cars and drive away. Eddie and frank quickly run over to us.
E: are you guys okay?!
Y/n: I think so.
F: wally your stuffing is coming out of your arm!
W: huh? My stuffing?
He looks down at his arm and he has a cut on his arm.
Y/n: oh come here wally I've got a sewing kit.
I stitch up wally's arm.
F: are you sure you guys are okay?
W: yeah its just a little cut. I'm sure I'll be fine.
Y/n: I'm okay!
E:how about we all just go home? There's just so much that's happened in just an hour.
Y/n: yeah that sounds like a nice idea.
I cut the extra thread off after I finish up stitching up wally's arm. We say our goodbye and we head home. Home creaks saying "Yesh what happened to you two?"
W: cops
They creak again saying "lemme geuss it was Y/n's sister that tried to get you, Y/n, Eddie, and Frank arrested?"
Y/n: exactly.
The door swings open and we go inside. We head to the bedroom and plop down on the bed. Wally snuggles up close to me and I wrap my arms around him, careful not to touch his arm. I quickly fall asleep with him in my arms.
(A/n: I absolutely do not promote fighting a police officer violence is not the answer when it comes to the authorities so DO NOT try to fight a police officer)

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