Chapter 110

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A/N- Not all the Old Norse translations may be correct. Some are Icelandic, as the language is the closest modern language to Old Norse. I also wanted to paint Fenrir in a more wholesome way so I hope you enjoy :)

Once Frigga had been introduced to everyone and was getting to know them, I stepped away from the group and stood beside Loki. "Afi(grandfather), could you take Tyra, Athena and Tyson somewhere safe within the castle please? I need to go free faðir(father) from his bindings and summon Skӧll and Hati. I don't want them getting hurt while Demi, Damian, Sheamus and I aren't here." I asked him barely above a whisper, "Of course sonardóttir(granddaughter), I have the perfect place in mind." Loki replies with a soft smile. I thank him and walk back to the group, "Okay well, the wolves and I need to be heading out." I chuckled. "Tyra, Athena, Tyson, can I speak with you over here please." I ask and walk a short distance away as they followed, "Mama, what is it?" Tyra asked sweetly.

I smiled down at her before closing my eyes and clasping my hands together, using my magic to create three necklaces. I opened my eyes again once they were done and gave one to each of them; helping them put them on, "Loki is going to take you three somewhere safe until the rest of us get back. Now, the necklaces I gave you are enchanted to call out to me and give me your exact location if and only if you are in any kind of danger. All you have to do is hold them tightly with one hand, call my name or Mama and I'll be there within a blink of an eye." I tell them quietly. I then look up at Tyson and place a hand on his shoulder, "Watch over them for me and please keep them safe. Call out to Azar, Kali or Bo telepathically if you need too." I say with a gentle smile. "I would lay down my life to protect my family Payton, no matter the threat. I will keep them safe, you have my word." Tyson said strongly while maintaining eye contact, making sure I know his words were true.

I give the three a tight hug each and walk them over to Loki. He teleports away with them and I send Azar, Kali and Bo back to their dens before walking over to Demi, Damian and Sheamus. "Where'd Tyra, Athena and Tyson go?" Damian asks, "I asked Loki to take them somewhere safe." I replied and they all nodded. "Are you three ready to meet my faðir(father)?" I questioned with a smirk, they looked a little uneasy but agreed. I called Magnus over and told them to stand in a circle, "For me to successfully teleport us, we all have to be touching in some way so hold a hand or a hand on a shoulder or a hand on Magnus's fur." I explained and they did as I asked.

Once we were all connected in some way I thought of Fenrir and seconds later, I had teleported us to outside the remote cave he was held captive in; powerful magic stopping me from going any further. Even from here, I could hear his weak whines and whimpers as he struggled against his binds. Demi, Damian and Sheamus swayed a little on their feet so I went up to each of them and softly placed a kiss on each of their foreheads, stopping the dizziness. They all sighed in relief and gave me a small smile of thanks which I happily returned. "Okay, before we enter, there are some things I need to go over first." I said and the three looked at me, "First, no sudden movements; he may think you are a threat and could attack. Second, don't speak unless either he or I asks you too; he sort of hates it if he thinks you're not listening. Third, don't show fear; he can literally smell it. Forth, try not to stare too much; he hates it. And last but not least, shift into your wolf forms when I tell you too and do not hesitate; it will help us all in the grand scheme of things." I stated firmly with no room for arguement. They all agreed so I carefully led them inside, Magnus never leaving my side.

The light started to dim the further we walked into the cave. I created a light orb and made it hover above us, allowing it to illuminate the path ahead. The low, weak growls, wimpers and whine slowly grew louder, signaling that we were getting closer. Eventually we made it to the caverns entrance and I stopped, "Stay here and stay quiet until I call for you, I will need to heal him and believe me, you won't want to be near him when I do." I whispered and they nodded in understanding. With Magnus still glued to my side, I walked into the cavern after duplicating the light orb; leaving one behind. What I saw when I rounded the corner made tears well up in my eyes and made my heart ache.

Laying in the centre of the colossal space was Fenrir, my Goddess spirits' father; bruised, wounded and bound by magical chains that are held together by a sword lodged in large boulder that was inside his mouth; holding his jaw open. He must of sensed movement because he attempted to snarl; allbeit a rather feeble attempt. "Faðir(father) it is alright, I'm here to help." I said calmly with my hands raised in surrender, "Dóttir mín(my daughter), i-is that really you? Or do my eyes deceive me?" Fenfir croaked out telepathically. "Yes faðir(father), it is really me. Oh Papa, what have they done to you." I say as I approach and kneel by his head; running a gentle hand across his cheek as I rest my forehead to his much larger one. "I am going to remove your binds and heal you, then I have some people I want you to meet. Is that okay Papa?" I say, then ask. "Yes my child but please be careful." He replies, "Of course faðir(father)." I respond and place a soft kiss on his head before I stand.

Magnus backs up with me and lays down behind me, just in case I stumble so I have something soft to land on if I fall. I close my eyes and summon all of my magic forth, letting it swirl and gather around me. I start chanting the unbinding spell in my head and within moments, the chains that once bound Fenrir broke; the boulder and the sword disintegrating seconds later. I quickly gathered some fresh water from the air and helped him drink it before standing next to him, Magnus laying behind me again. "Try and stay as still as you can Papa, you will be back to your full strength soon enough." I say softly and place my hands on his stomach.

Calling forth my healer once more and focus on my pure hatred for the Aesir Gods of old for their treatment of Fenrir but most importantly, my strong loathing for Odin for ordering it. Soon enough, I hear a deep, earthquake inducing growl and I know that my Papa is now fully healed so I pull back my healer, drop my hands and open my eyes. A smile breaks out across my face as I watch Fenrir stand, stretch and shake. I run to one of his front legs and wrap my arms around it as best I can, "Oh faðir(father), it is so good to see you free again." I say as tears now stream down my cheeks. "Stand back my child, let me lay down so we can cuddle properly." My father says softly, just like he did when my Goddess spirit was young and I do as I'm told.

He lays down and as soon as he does, I shift into my true Asgardian wolf form - which is basically just a slightly small version of Fenrir - and jump on him; burying my face in his neck, breathing in his scent with him curled up around me. I still have tears pouring from my eyes and the small sniffles give that away, "Hush now my sweet pup, dry your tears. I am here now and I'm not going anywhere." I hear Papa whisper. "I can't help it Papa, I have missed you so much." I whisper back, "I have missed you too little one." was his reply and that is how we stay for a few more moments.

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