Part 13

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" so what did you guys want to see when you first came here?" Massimo asked and they all laughed.

" I'd rather we do anything different you'd hate to know what my friends here had planned for me" he looked at her then her sister.

" now I am interested, what was it?" , " well if you must know mostly what you gave her last night" , " that can be arranged it hasn't been two weeks yet" Taylor playfully hit his shoulder.

" Bella you choose what do you wanna do ?" Taylor asked " mhhh shoting range you like that" , " she does?" Ciara chuckled " she did let's do something else , let's do a sip and paint that way we can take care of our hangover and give Tay and boo-thang over here time to you know get to know each other" Ciara voiced looking at her sister uncomfortably.

Massimo just nodded seeing how Taylor had been quiet ever since the mention of shoting.

They all agreed , Ciara locked hands with Taylor squeezing them as if assuring her.

Massimo pulled her to him turning her face around " do you want to talk about it?" She shook her head " maybe later" he nodded.

They got to the paint and sip , sitting in pairs " Don't you want to chill outside instead?" Massimo asked " do you not want to be here?" Taylor asked , " it's not that it's just I am terrible at painting, yet I am very competitive, I will only sour the mood as I am not good at losing and I don't want to be an ass you hate that" she nodded.

They walked outside "I'll be back" Taylor said walking back in speaking to one of the workers.

She returned sitting down " what did you ask for?" Massimo asked "if we can't paint we can color right , it helps calm the mind" the lady walked in with two coloring books and crayons.

Massimo chuckled " only you can make me do this" she smiled " tell me about you" , "I already told you about me " , " no you , not Massimo the Don , but Massimo my husband".

He took a second to think " well you know my family , I am a middle child my brothers, well let's just not talk about family" , " how about we take turns asking questions ? You can go first" Taylor voiced.

" are you happy?" He asked " yes , trying to settle in better , what's your favorite food?" She asked , " lasagna , have you ever seen a dead person?" , " yes , what do you like doing in your spare time?" , "being with you , where did you see a dead person?" , "I work at the hospital remember , wh.." , " can we just talk about this honestly?" He asked.

" I used to take defense classes with my grandpa , his friend tried to take advantage of me and my grandpa shot him then shot himself , I was 16 " , " where you there when it happened " she nodded.

" he was ontop of me when he died , I felt his heart stop" he scanned her face as if looking for a reaction , but Taylor didn't look up she just colored her book.

"Where are your parent?" , "I don't know , what sports are you good at?" She asked " tennis and golf , how long was your last relationship?" , "3 years , yours?" , " I've never dated , how did it end?" , " he slept with my bestfriend, why have you never dated?" , " I've never wanted to love someone till I met you , what do you do for fun?" , "uhmm well that's a trick question but reading"

They kept playing till they both knew more than enough about each other.

They decided to eat out before returning home , Taylor wanted to spend time talking to her friends but Massimo didn't let her , he wanted her all to himself and he made sure of it.

Walking back to the villa with everyone it was now late evening " thank you for today" Taylor said " anything for you princess , what do you want to do tomorrow?" , " uhmm I don't know maybe we can do something you like" , " I'll see , should we get food back to the villa won't you be hungry by night? You didn't eat much is something wrong?".

"I am fine , I just didn't have much appetite" , " are you sick should we see a doctor?" He said putting a hand over her forehead " I am fine just need to rest my body isn't used to so much activity and alcohol " she explained.

He was still worried they got to the villa and he took her up to they room getting her out of her clothes putting her in bed " are you sure you're okay?" , " yes I just have a headache can you get my meds for me" Massimo put a hand over her forehead.

"I don't like how warm you feel I am calling the doctor" he walked out making a call coming back 10 minutes later with a doctor , this time Taylor's eyes were red " Doctor what's wrong with her" , the doctor looked at Taylor but Taylor stopped him " food poison , and dehydration " she said.

" are you kidding me? Help my wife or I'll kill you I swear " , " Massimo let go so he can help , come here" she patted beside her and he sat down " you won't die on me will you" , the doctor prepared a needle " that's too big find something smaller you'll hurt her" he shouted at the doctor.

She cupped her shaky hands " could you wait outside till the doctor is done ? You're panicking and he can't do his job because you keep threatening him, it will only be 10 minutes" , "not any second longer" he said kissing her forehead and walking out.

" thank you Mrs Delchez, but how did you know what's wrong with you?" The doctor asked placing a drip inside her arm " I am a doctor" she replied closing her eyes " you're Doctor Malan the famous Nuerosergeon , we are all so excited to have someone with such high reputation at such a young age" she opened her eyes again.

"You know me?" , " who doesn't? You had done the impossible this year when you had done that operation on the 5 year old boy , everyone whose everyone wanted to meet with you but you don't attend any of the award ceremonies " Taylor chuckled.

" I am not really social " , Massimo walked in " is she going to be okay?" , "yes Doctor Malan will be fine , she needs to take these , she will vomit during the night make sure she eats something light and not greasy , she also needs some liquids in her which is not alcohol and rest loads of it , no more walking for like a day" he looked back at her.

" you should know the grill , it was nice meeting you Doc I am a true fan , see you at work yes?" She chuckled and nodded the doctor left.

" can't you be Doctor Delchez" she chuckled " wouldn't that bring unwanted attention? I thought you wanted me safe?" He kissed her lips " you're smart ill let it slide" he took of his clothes and entered besides her.

"Does that hurt?" She shook her head "why didn't you tell me you weren't feeling okay? You kept going to the bathroom why didn't you tell me you were vomiting?" , "I didn't want to spoil the fun for everyone " she answered.

" I don't care about everyone but you don't scare me like this again" she cupped his face "you look pretty cute when you're worried" he put his hand over hers.

" sweetheart you're my everything, ofcourse I am worried, I just found you I am not losing you so soon" , " I am not going anywhere,  if it was serious I would've said something I promise".

"You won't die on me will you?" , " not till we are old and Grey with our grandchildren playing around the garden in our home" he kissed her passionately "I love you" , " I love you more " she answered.

Massimo spent the night awake watching over her , he didn't want to sleep fearing something might happen.

He finally slept in the morning when she had stopped vomiting and her eyes not red.

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