Part 20

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It was now morning Ciara woke up and walked downstairs, she took out some fruits cutting them into small bites.

Massimo walked down and into the kitchen " morning " he said but she ignored him , she poured some yogurt " give this to your wife the doctor said she should have some fruits" he turned looked at the fruits then at a very annoyed Ciara.

" did I do something wrong?" He asked Luke walked in " boss these are the morning supplements" , " Ciara I am asking you a question" , " no , you didn't,  why would you?" She rolled her eyes " Ciara " Luke warned.

" I am not moving her back to the house soon , we will stay here but if you want us out we can move out of your space and into our own , but what I won't tolerate is you talking to me the way you are , I've been really patient with you Cee but your mood swings and attitude shouldn't be my problem but Luke's,  I know you two are dating , you should be thankful I turned a blind eye instead of stationing him elsewhere,  now take these fruits and pills and give it to your sister , and be nice or so help me God I will deal with you myself" Ciara shrugged taking the tray and pills and walked away as fast as she could.

Luke backed away slowly " I didn't dismiss you" Massimo said as he made himself coffee.

He sat down on the kitchen counter and signaled for him to sit infront of him and he did.

" how long has this been happening?" , Luke stratched his hair " since the wedding after party" , " you have a girlfriend don't you Nikki" , " uhmm well boss it's complicated" Massimo looked at him.

He cleared his throat " they both okay with each other well , I guess they like each other , I don't know how to explain it but they just not fighting instead they talk to each other more than they talk to me , they go shopping , go to the club , go to restaurants,  I think they fuck more than they do with me " Massimo chuckled.

" so you introduced your girlfriend to Ciara her soul mate?" , " c'mon don't put it like that " , " like what? Clearly you're the side here , anyway I don't have a problem with it but when we go back home keep it in your pants I don't want the others thinking I favor you , Ciara will come back to her place which is here after father leaves I am sure you can wait till then" , " I understand I'll make sure to talk to her before we go back home " , " good , where is Rico?" , " he's outside your PA is on her way" he nodded.

Getting up with his coffee and walking to sit by the pool.

Ciara walked into the room , and got on the bed Taylor sat up , she gave her the pills " aaaah" she signaled for her to open her mouth so she can feed her the fruits.

" I am still very mad at you " she fed her some fruits " but I am your big sister and I don't want you scaring me like you did yesterday " she fed her more fruits " plus I can't wait to see these two" she fed her again " don't smile I am still very mad at you" Taylor attacked her with the hug and she stood still " I am still mad at you , you're not cute" Ciara said pulling her sister closer.

They stayed like that for a minute and Ciara pulled away " you should sit like this , sit back " she put pillows at her back making her sit comfortably.

" I am sorry" Taylor finally spoke " you have nothing to be sorry about Tay , I know you , you're my sister and I know you keep everything in that's why I always speak out for you cause that's what a big sister has to do".

" thank you , I am sorry you have to see Hulio " , " it's okay I am over it , I panicked when I saw him and got drunk but honestly I am fine now because I know I am safe he won't do anything to me" she fed her more fruits then gave her the yogurt to eat.

" will you be okay? Having Lindsay around ?" , " I just need time to process things , but I don't want to go back yet" , " take all the time you need but you can't let them win again that is your house you can't let them take what's yours again , you're going back there knowing you have me , your husband,  Luke,  Matteo and Elehandro to protect you , if anyone should be away from there it's them" Taylor nodded.

" Thank you maybe after like 3 days , I need some bed rest for now" , " ofcourse silly " they spoke about everything,  Ciara telling her sister how everyone was everything she's been missing out on.

Lizzy walked in with Rico " Goodmorning sir" she sat down next to him " morning Liz , did everything go well yesterday " , " yes sir I took care of everything,  is the wife okay?" , " yes resting " Lizzy smiled.

" I'll leave the documents with you to read and sign if you have anything to talk over I'll be in the office , the construction of the new mall is starting and I wanted to make sure everything was in place " , "good keep me updated,  I'll get Mr Coby on the phone so he can transfer the documents for the airport as well" Lizzy got up " okay sir , you can leave everything to me for today , you take care of your wife I'll handle business plus I have Rico if anything happens he won't hesitate to take action" they all laughed and she walked away with Rico.

Massimo dialed his phone and called someone " Mr Coby " , " oh yes Mr Delchez I was about to call you , I've sent the documents to your office they will arrive by 10 am , I specifically told the guy to give it only to Lizzy or Rico" , " good then " he dropped the call and laid down.

Ciara walked down he turned looking at her and she rolled her eyes , he took the pillow on the seat next to him and threw it at her " ouch!" , " you can be such a bitch" , " you're so childish" , " says the one who has been all moody and grumpy since forever " she picked up the pillow and threw it back at him " see childish look at you throwing a tantrum" Ciara took another pillow throwing it at him.

" c'mon you too , I swear if I didn't know you I'd think you're siblings" Taylor said walking outside to the pool.

" babe you should be in bed resting " Massimo helped her sit down infront of the pool dipping her feet inside " I needed some air and sunlight " , " do you want ice cream?" He asked " yes please " , he walked into the kitchen hitting Ciara on the head " ouch" Ciara hit him on his back and he chuckled.

"Stop it" , "he started it" , "and I am ending it come sit with me " Ciara walked to her taking off her clothes and getting into the pool.

Massimo walked to them " euww I don't wanna see your disgusting body" , " then don't look my way idiot" , " okay okay stop or I'll leave " ,"we're just playing babe no need to leave" he sat down besides her , teasing Ciara with his tongue out to her , Taylor looked at him "okay okay I'll stop" , "you better not have sex with him for a month he doesn't deserve any" , "yaaa Ciara know your limits what kind of shitty advice are you giving my wife" they all chuckled.

Taylor was feeling relaxed, maybe this is what she needed.

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