Part 17

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" Luke you have better have a big fat ass excuse why you all just blocked me or I'll fucken kill you myself ".

Luke pulled out a paper from him pocket giving it to his boss " we are sorry boss but our duty is to protect the Miss , she's pregnant with twins if Mr Hulio hadn't ruined the whole thing she would've informed you herself tonight,  with your anger this argument would've turned physical and you would've lost the one thing you'd always wanted a family" I opened up the paper.

It was a scan " she's pregnant?" , Luke nodded " I've known about it for about a week the day you found her with Dracola's child" , " take me to her " Luke stepped forward " I don't think you should see each other right now give her time to calm down , you both are angry and that's not good for her" I nodded.

" help him down we have alot to discuss brother" I put the paper back into my pocket nicely walking to my car , some of my guys cleaned up the mess whilst I drove home , Luke drove to Taylor, even though I wished it was me with her , Luke was right she was too angry and I needed to figure out why.

We got into the house and walked to the basement sitting my brother down " tell me why the mother of my children just threatened your life" , " you don't even know who she is don't you?" , " what are you talking about?".

" you just up and married the one girl who has her eyes out for this family as soon as she sees father she will want nothing but hate for you" he chuckled " I knew father was stupid when he asked Sébastien to leave her instead of just killing her".

"Just tell me who she is" , " didn't it bother you that she changed from being your Taylor to a professional shooter? You've played with guns your whole life but you would've never made such a clean shot , she was calm even when she was so angry , she ran in fucken heels like it was nothing , lifting up Ciara like it was nothing , pinning me on the wall like it was nothing , doesn't that bother you?" , " just tell me who she is or help me God".

"She is Elmizahard's granddaughter, she's was there when father killed him , she watched him kill her family she's the one who killed uncle because he was raping Ciara , those are the girls father left to live" I could feel my heart clench in my heart.

" whoever your version of her is , it's not the real her , I've seen the real her" he opened up his chest showing me a bullet scar an inch below his heart " this was a warning , a scar left by her on me after days of torture,  I know I deserved it but I can't help it , I love Ciara if she can't be with me I would rather kill myself" I walked out of the basement.

I was feeling suffocated, my vision was blurry , what do I do? I have no solution for this , where will this put us? What will happen once father gets here? Will I lose my wife and kids? Or will I lose my father?.

Whomever I lose , how will I move forward from this? I called Taylor after a few rings she answered sniffing , she was crying.

" how is she?" She kept quiet " do you want me to come to you ? Just tell me and I'll come , I promise we won't fight , I just want to hold you" she started sobbing up.

" babe please talk to me tell me to come to you" , I could feel my heart breaking , I dropped the call getting into my car and driving to her , Luke stopped me " Luke I am not here to fight her , she needs me " he looked at me for a second before letting me inside.

I walked into one of the rooms and found her on the floor I bent down infront of her and she wrapped herself around me and she broke down.

" I thought I lost her" she kept repeating,  I held her tightly, I never want to see her in so much pain , I knew deep down she was scared.

I picked us up and placed her on my lap rocking us up and down " I am here nothing will happen I will protect you" her sobs got lighter until she fell asleep.

I put her in bed slipping off her dress so she could be comfortable , I covered her up and walked to Clara's room.

She was awake just staring into blank space " Cee are you okay?" , " he told you right? He told you who we are?" She asked still looking up.

" yes " , " she won't let him live , your father she won't let him live" , " how long have you known?" , she turned looking at me " since I saw your mother at the wedding " , " why didn't you say anything to me? " , " my sister had finally found peace for the first time in her life , she wasn't living a life locked into her heart filled with vengeance,  how could I have told her the man she was gradually falling for was the son of the man who killed our own family? She's never forgotten that day not even once , she became a mute after that incident she was only 7 but she knew how to hold a gun , she knew how to use a knife , she built her life up so she could have all the money in the world so she could find your father , she knew he was in Dubai before coming here but for the first time you made her forget and today Hulio reminded her of why she was on this journey, she only has me and she will protect me with her life".

Tears were now rolling down my cheeks I couldn't help it " she's pregnant Cee , tell me what to do? Tell me how to fix this , tell me how I can keep her safe , tell me how to protect her" , " she's pregnant?" I nodded.

She laid back down " is it twins?" I nodded " our mother was pregnant with twins when she died " my chest tightened , " it was your father's children" she added " he used to rape her and she was the one who saw it , if you want to protect her so much put yourself in her shoes first a 6/7 year old seeing such things at a young age , then your brother doing the same to me think of how suffocated she must feel knowing you are the brother of the man that took her innocence, the man that broke her heart and the man that hurt someone she loves all those 3people are connected to you her love" she pulled the blankets over herself and covered herself looking away.

I walked downstairs and broke down thinking about everything after everything I walked out of the villa , and drove back to my house.

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