Part 16

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After Nicco and his family left , Luke came in the office with food " I thought you'd need this" he placed it on my table and I dug in immediately.

" are you okay?" He finally asked , I nodded , " the boss , you know he was just trying to protect you right?" , " how?" He sat down.

" now that one of the gang members around here know where you work , they could try to come in here and harm you and he just wants you safe , he would never hurt children" she nodded.

" was I too harsh?" , " maybe a little but you were honest" she nodded and they continued to eat.

Taylor's day went by fast and before she knew it it was time to go home.

Entering the house she is met by Martin " mmmh nice painting " , " no its ugly" he says hiding it " well if you don't like it why don't we draw one you'll like?" , " will you draw with me?" She nodded.

They started drawing and coloring , after being done , the played with paint Taylor ran after him chasing him around rubbing paint on him and him doing the same " let's go in and get you cleaned up" Taylor lifted Martin up and walked inside.

To find an annoyed Massimo , sitting with Sébastien and Lindsay " Martin I thought I told you it's night night time" Lindsay voiced.

" aunt Tay Tay painted with me in the garden look" he ran to his mom , Taylor walked to Massimo and sat next to him locking her hands with his and he calmed down.

" have you guys had dinner yet?" She finally asked " no not yet we were waiting for you , but I didn't think you come back in paint these are your work clothes " , she chuckled " Martin and I got carried away it's fine the paint washes off" the food came and she felt nauseous.

Taking small bites of the food carefully , " so Lindsay how is the baby?" , nervous she answered " she's a breach baby , we have hopes she'll be fine" , "when are you due?" , " uhmm mid month next month" , "good we should go baby shopping then have you chosen a room for the nursery?" , " honey you're thinking alot rest your brain please , they went shopping today" Taylor nodded.

This whole time Sébastien was quiet,  watching as Taylor was comfortable and being treated like she deserves by his brother.

After dinner Massimo walked up with his wife they got into the room and she stripped down the clothes "are you angry at me?" She asked he shook his head.

"I was but I understood Luke made me understand" , "yea me too , his great at talking right?" He nodded.

" actually Luke was my right hand man , he hand a way of seeing things from his own and a better perspective, when I told him I wanted to marry you he told me to be calm and not use force , he's not an easy person to get used to but if you have his respect he will protect you with his life" , " so do you want to join me" she was now naked walking into the shower.

Massimo stripped immediately throwing everything down he jumped into the shower.

Squeezing on her swolen and sensitive boobs , he bends her over and they have backshots in the shower.

Taylor slept like a baby after that , Massimo cuddled into her.

It was now Friday,  Taylor was on her way to pick up Ciara from the airport she was landing in the afternoon.

Ciara got in the car drunk " go away you reek of alcohol " Taylor said " I am sorry Tay it's just..." , " I know let's get you rested okay we'll speak once you wake up" she nodded sleeping on her lap.

They arrived to the villa Massimo has signed as now Clara's.

She put her to sleep , Massimo called " where are you?" , " at Clara's,  you?" , "on my way home from the airport should I come fetch you?" , "uhmm no she isn't okay I'll see you tomorrow at the club", " mhhh okay , your guards will stay with you and I'll send two to guard outside then " , "okay " , "I love you princess" , "I love you more Love" he dropped the call.

Taylor ordered herself and her guards food, they spent time lazy watching movies and eating , they fell asleep on the couch.

Ciara walked down in the morning, everyone was already up she walked to Taylor and cuddled into her.

" morning " , "Morning are you feeling better?" She nodded.

" I am sorry I came here drunk" , " it's okay , I want to talk to you about something " Luke walked to them holding Pizza and wings " food" he said looking at Taylor and she nodded " thanks" Ciara got up pulling the pizza box.

" what's up?" , " I was thinking why don't you move here? You don't have to live with me Mass made this place yours you can live here , I miss you" , " will your husband be okay with it?" She nodded.

" he's actually the one who suggested it , we won't try to control you but I am more at ease knowing you're safe here", "let me sleep on it yes?" She nodded.

They spend time together , doing shopping, Taylor cooking for her sister ,Luke walked in giving her some supplements and walked back out.

They were getting ready for the night it was Massimo's birthday.

Ciara got to the club first she said she wanted to get lit leaving with Matteo , Massimo came to fetch Taylor.

" don't kiss girls this time" he warned and she chuckled " I am not really up for drinks tonight" , " are you okay?" She nodded " yes I just want tonight to be perfect,  it's your night after all" he kissed her forehead " you're perfect" they drove off.

They got to the booth Matteo told her Ciara was downstairs by the bar drinking.

She looked over seeing a pretty hammered Ciara they sat down she felt uneasy " my brother is in the bathroom he'll be out soon do you want anything?" She asked for a glass of wine gaining a look from Luke.

She looked back down and found Ciara was not by the bar , Massimo's brother walked out and sat infront of her.

"Nice to see you again Taylor" that voice she knew that voice well , she hurriedly ran down to where Ciara once was sniffing on her drink.

She's been drugged , she panicked rushing to the back door. Luke and Massimo rushed behind her.

As soon as she saw a black car pulling out fast out of the parking she grabbed Luke's gun aimed it at the tires and shot it.

Massimo was surprised at her great aim considering the car was far , without saying anything she started running towards the car.

Taking off her heel and breaking the driver's window putting hand in and popping the boot.

She walked to the boot taking out Ciara , the others reached to her.

"Babe what's happening?" Massimo asked but Taylor didn't answer she slid down Ciaras tong tearing it's and tiying it on both her thighs.

She put two fingers inside her mouth and she vomited " good now open your eyes for me sweetheart" she tried opening them up , " good girl Cee just keep talking to me okay" , " he's here Tay he's going to kill me" , " don't worry about it sweetheart I am right here I promised I'll protect you" Luke brought the car , and she got up carrying her sister and pushed her into the car gently.

She turned from the car aggressively grabbing Matteos knives and marching to Hulio he stubble backing up into a wall she slug the knifes on both side of his jacket.

" try this bullshit again and I'll have your life" she walked off and Massimo held her hand " why won't you talk to me what's wrong?" She pushed him back " if it weren't for you and your shitty family , my sisters life wouldn't have been in danger , right now" , " what do you mean?".

" Open your fuckin eyes Massimo , your fucken brother drugged my sister , she's fucken allergic to opium I have 30 seconds before that thing in her system kills her" she was now screaming at him.

Massimo walked towards her angrly but Luke , Matteo and Elehandro stood infront of her covering her , she turned leaving a pretty pissed Massimo.

She drove off with her sister.

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