Part 27

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It has been a month and a few weeks , Massimo has been glued by his wife's side since he got back.

Taylor has been really needy and he has been spoiling her giving her everything she wants.

She was emotional and kept crying at little things.

Martin has settled in well at school , Massimo drops him off everyday , Sébastien was going for therapy with his wife after getting beaten up by Massimo and Hulio for how he has been acting.

Ciara and her brothers were getting along well mostly bickering between her and Hulio as he became protective of his sister now.

They haven't spoken to their father yet but he called a meeting for the 4 of them.

They were all sitting in the boardroom and he entered and sat down " afternoon kids nice to see you all here " , " what do you want?" Massimo asked.

"Be nice I wanted you all to give me a chance to get to know my daughter and spen.." , " I am not your daughter! " , "sweetheart I j..." , " don't you dare talk to me like that after what you made me go through " she got up and walked "Ciara don't turn your back on me" he banged the table.

She walked out and banged the door , "that little b..." , " I suggest you swallow your words" Hulio said clenching his fist.

He chuckled " you're one to get angry and protective whilst you spent the last few years stalking and making her life difficult " , " just say why you brought us here" Massimo said.

" well I want your mother to move ba.." , "this is mine and Taylor's house I only tolerate you because you're my father and I try to respect you because I know it would hurt Sébastien if I cut you off completely, your wife will not come here , I'll kill her the moment she steps a foot into those doors , I hope I make myself clear" he gets up and walks out and so do the others.

"After everything he'd rather give this castle to that bitch than his own father" he banged the table " I'll kill her and show him whose boss" he sent a text to someone then put his phone away.

Massimo was on his way to one of his warehouses.

Taylor on the other hand was at the shopping mall getting some clothes for Martin and herself.

She entered one of the stores looking around and got what she wanted whilst standing at the till she wanted to pee this was the 1000th time.

Luke nodded and she walked back to the bathroom and did her business.

As she walked out she heard shuffling , she peeped out and saw Luke struggling with some as one of the guys tried getting to her she quickly got her phone out and texted Massimo.

"I am going to be taken away , we've been cornered I am at the mall in Lucia's bathroom" she sent it then set her phone to silence and called him and put it inside her pants.

She then went back inside one of the bathroom stalls and sat down waiting.

A tall guy came in pushing the door open " do you mind" she said acting as if she was still peeing " be quick about it" he said , she flushed and got up washing her hands then lights out.

Massimo got there after her Luke was on the floor bleeding " it's your fa.." , " I know keep your breathing slow the doctor will be here now , Cole you take care of him we need to hurry , before they see we're tracing her.

Taylor woke up in a dark room , loud foot stamps are heard.

Then the door opened and lights turned on " well well well good day Ms Taylor Delchez " , " I need to pee " she said looking at her father in-law " then pee on yourself " , " that's unsanitary it's not good for the kids " , " then keep it in till I take my grandchildren out of you and you can die peacefully" , she chuckled.

" it's funny?" , " yes you're funny and pathetic,  to think one would feel guilty and resent themselves after what you did but here you are after killing your own blood and someone you claimed to love trying to kill the mother of your sons kids and your daughters sister" Taylor felt a hot sting on her face as he slapped her.

"Don't you dare talk about my children " , he slapped her again not noticing Taylor has freed herself from the rope tied on her hands he closes the gap between them , they both reach for his gun , she bangs her head on his and he stumbles she walks up to him again taking the gun out but he kicks it off her.

Gunshots are heard outside , as they both struggle with the gun.

The gun goes off and he smirks " Gotcha" she kicks him off her and aims the gun at him straight in the head and shoots him.

Massimo shoots the door knob and opens up seeing his dead father he walkes towards Taylor and help her up " are you o.." , " our children" she said touching her stomach he had shot her on the side of her stomach.

He quickly lifted her up and ran towards the car , Rico started the car immediately when he saw his boss running.

They got in and drove off " keep your eyes on me sweetheart I am right here okay" he said trying to keep her awake.

They reached the hospital and doctor Ali was already waiting outside with a stretcher and paramedics.

He lifted her up and put her on the stretcher pushing everyone away so he can push her himself.

" Mr Delchez you can't be in here please let me do my work" he looked at her one last time " you better save all of them or I swear to God I'll kill you myself " he said then walked out.

And stood outside the room , Ciara walked in running down the hallway with Hulio and Sébastien " where is she? Is she okay ? Are the kids okay? Where is she?" , he put a hand over her head and kissed her forehead " she's inside , she got shot in the stomach , I don't know if they okay yet but I know my wife she's strong she'll be okay and so will our kids , calm down okay".

" you promise? You promise Taylor will be okay right? She can't die right? She c..." he pulled her in for a hug and she cried out.

The others looked at them worried " where is dad" Sébastien finally asked looking at the floor " they had a struggle for his gun he shot here in the stomach and she shot him in the head" , " she killed our father?" Ciara turned looking at him.

"If she didn't kill him she would've died what did you expect her to do?" , " Ciara that's our Father" , " oh save me your bull crap Sébastien that man was no father to me , I don't even know why you're here defending that monster" , "he I.. " , " Go , Go!!! I don't fucken want to see your disgusting face right now go!! If it weren't for you or that shithead you call a father my family and Taylor would not have been hurt so get the fuck out of here!!!" She screamed at him.

Hulio stood up " Sébastien go" he stood up "you too?" , " you're hurting our sister because you refuse to see your father for who he was , Massimo has had to live with that man because he didn't want you feeling sad , none of us liked dad or his ways he's hurt us more than anything you won't understand because you've never experienced the pain you had us to lean on but we had ourselves , you're the only one that's lost a father , whilst we just gained our freedom so leave go mourn your father elsewhere" Sébastien looked over at Massimo who didn't take his eyes of the door where his wife was then at Hulio.

Then left , Hulio turned sitting Ciara down and giving her water " don't worry Tay will be okay " he said rubbing her back.

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