𝙲𝚛𝚞𝚜𝚑 (𝙿𝚝.2)

397 11 24

ღ3𝚛𝚍 𝙿𝚘𝚟დ

Kokichi noticed how hard Rantaro was trying to make him talk to him all day, from asking him how he was doing to telling him he'd treat him to food after school.

Kokichi had went with Rantaro to get his school schedule, since he had figured Kokichi didn't have one, judging by Kokichi and Rantaro walking down the hall for atleast 20 minutes,before realizing they were in the same class.

And so, here Kokichi was, setting in the corner of the classroom to try and avoid any attention, which wasn't quite hard. But, it was still challenging. Rantaro had Angie, Himiko and even Miu talk to Kokichi but they still couldn't get a word out of him.

Rantaro was quick to catch on that something was possibly wrong with his voice, I mean, he did have a pretty futile murder. "Kokichi, is there a problem with your voice?" The teacher asked, coming to the back of the classroom. "I noticed that you haven't spoken so much as a word since being here." The teacher explained, a hint of concern lingering in her voice.

Kokichi opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out as he realized almost all of his classmates staring at him. So, he used his forefinger to gesture for her to come closer. Which, she reluctantly did. "S-stuttering p-p-problem, ma'am.." Kokichi mumbled, before feeling his face heat up in embarrassment.

The woman pulled away, before smiling warmly at Kokichi. "Well, now, you worried your friend for no reason, Kokichi." The teacher chuckled, looking towards Rantaro, who was setting in his seat near the teachers desk quietly.

Kokichi blushed, before laying his head on the desk. "By the way, my name is Mahiru Koizume, but students call me Ms.Koizume." The woman smiled brightly at Kokichi, who nodded. He looked over to Rantaro one last time, he looked pretty much the same as last time he looked. Except this time, he could have swore he saw a tear fall from his face.

Kokichi sighed, regretting what he was about to do. He looked back up to the teacher, before mouthing a 'come here'. Once again, she brought her ear close to Kokichi. "T-tell him..." He stuttered, fidgeting with his jacket sleeve. The woman chuckled a bit, before nodding and walking over to Rantaro's desk.

Kokichi watched as she tapped on his desk, getting his attention. Rantaro looked up at the teacher, before starting to seemingly explain the situation. The only problem being, she didn't whisper. But, within seconds, Rantaro had a smile back on his face, before looking back to Kokichi and giving him a cheeky grin.

Kokichi's face flushed as he put his head on the desk, covering his face with his hands. He could only hope nobody heard the teacher, but, his hope was over run by despair. "H-he has a stuttering problem?/ Stuttering problem?"

•𝙰𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙼𝚜. 𝙺𝚘𝚒𝚣𝚞𝚖𝚎'𝚜 𝚌𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚜•

Kokichi exited the classroom, stretching his arms as a yawn followed after. "You h-heard too? Y-y-yeah, it's strange for O-Ouma.." Kokichi heard this and immediately whipped his head around, he saw Shuichi and one other person. One person he really didn't want to know. Angie. He didn't really have a problem with Angie, it was just that she was a blabbermouth and a gossip queen.

He glared at the two, before spotting Gonta and instantly hiding around a corner, until he realized that it was more of a janitors closer rather than a corner. He didn't care much, he just really want didn't want to see Gonta after the hit he made him take for him.

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