𝙱𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝙰𝚐𝚊𝚒𝚗 (𝙿𝚝.15)

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Kokichi had ended up bribing Himiko into keeping her big donkey lips shut, "If you don't ask any more questions about this, I'll keep Tenko away from you when you sleep." Kokichi whispers, praying to whatever God was out there that she would take the bait.

The redhead shrugs, looking to the ground. "Nyeh..okay. But, I think she has more important things than me now." Himiko whispered the last part, she didn't want to let it slip if Kokichi didn't already know. She was selfish, yes. But. She was in love. A small smile played at her lips as she looked back to Kokichi, who Kiibo, whenever he had gotten there, was helping get off Gonta's shoulders.

Himiko looked to the ground at Angie, who also reached up, ready to help the girl down. Himiko's face warmed up at the others comforting smile, 'Something isn't right...my face heats up around Yonaga and Ouma...I should ask somebody about this...' Himiko thinks, sliding down, being caught in the others arms.

Angie smiles down at the girl she was now carrying bridal style. "Nyahaha, Himiko is so cute!" Angie squeals, spinning around once before carrying the girl into the school.

Kokichi, on the other hand, was being carried down the hall by Kiibo. 'I wonder why Amami told me to watch over and assist him for the day.' Kiibo wonders, walking down the hallway with the panta lover holding onto his neck for dear life. Kiibo glanced to the boy, who looked utterly terrified and chuckled quietly. 'Cute.' He ignored his thoughts as he sat Kokichi down infront of his classroom.

Kiibo, for some reason, bows to Kokichi. "I will be in a student council meeting, if you need assistance on anything. You can ask me, assuming you know where we usually have the meetings." Kiibo then strolled down the hall, happy with how easy it was to assist Kokichi.

Kokichi now stood at the door, hesitant to go in. 'Will he be in there?' Kokichi wondered, his smile turning upside down, as he wasn't read to face a certain raven that day. Or any day that week or month, at that. "Move." Kokichi squealed, turning to the unnerving assassin behind him. He quickly nodded, practically jumping to the side. 'Now that is something I don't wanna face.' Kokichi scoffs, following behind the brunette, closing the classroom door behind himself.

He made his way to his seat, tossing the bag down before plopping in the seat. There were a couple students there, but not very many. Mostly what students that were lucky enough to be in student council. 'Wait- Is Gonta a student council member-?' Kokichi wonders, laying his head on the desk, now lost in an 'important topic'.

"Yo. Virgin!" He sets up, Miu wrapping her arms around him, hugging him tightly as she shook the daylights out of him. Kokichi pouts, squirming around in the girls arms, "Get your big ass boobs away from me!" Kokichi hisses, his face flushing as he pushes Miu away.

Miu stared at him before her face turned a deep shade of red. "EEEKK, PERVERT!!" Miu shouts, though, obviously enjoying it. Kokichi rolls his eyes, laying his head back down on the desk. "Be honored, ya whore." He added, laying his head down on top of his folded arms, falling asleep.


"Hey, you awake?" Kokichi yawns, setting up, stretching his arms. "Hey now, watch where your sling those twigs of yours." Kokichi rubs his eyes, blinking a few times before his eyes laid on the green curly haired male that was sat on the edge of his desk. "Hm? Ughh, let me sleep.." Kokichi yawns quietly, laying his head back down, only for Rantaro to place his hand under his head, lifting his head back up.

Kokichi groans, swatting his hands away as he looked around the empty classroom. Kokichi's eyes widened as he stood up, grabbing his bag. "Wow. Settle down, Ouma. There's still plenty of time to go the the hospital." Kokichi turns his head to the easy going adventurer, who was giving him a small and polite smile. "How the hell...did you figure that out?" Kokichi mumbles, raising a brow as he crosses his arms.

Rantaro chuckles, sliding Kokichi's phone across his desk, Kokichi immediately snatching it from him. "You had a call, so I checked it for you. Since you seemed so...." Rantaro's face heated up, as he really wanted to say something else. He sighs, coming up with a believable finish. "Tired." He murmurs, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

Surprisingly, Kokichi nodded, keeping his poker face on. "The hospital called again, right?" Kokichi asks, sighing as he walks towards the classroom door. Rantaro shrugs, "Yep. They said you needed to remember to be there, well-, after they complained about your foul language." Rantaro and Kokichi began laughing as they walked down the hall.

Kokichi calmed himself as he checked his phone. "There was a problem in the chess clubs room, no?" Rantaro asks, tilting his head to the side. Kokichi nods, "Yeah. Wanna get lunch then head to the hospital with me?" Kokichi asks, unwrapping his hoodie from around his waist, tossing it on.

Rantaro watched the boy struggle to put the jacket on, huffing out a small laugh. "Ouma, sorry, but you're so small." Rantaro chuckled as the boy popped his head out the top of the hoodie. "Oh, shut up ya sack of unripe potatoes." Kokichi pouts, shoving his hands into his hoodie pockets. "Holy shit, It's raining pussies and bitches-" Kokichi stopped at the school exit, having only just heard the rain.

Rantaro face palms, "I see what the poor workers at the hospital meant now." The man sighs, taking Kokichi's hood, flipping it over the smallers head. "Come on. We can go to my house and eat, I guess. Then we can head to the hospital." The two then began running down the street, as said, they went to Rantaro's house.


The two boys entered the home, almost immediately getting met with chaos. "Shit shit shit, shitttt! Hurry everyone, he'll be here soon with Kokichi!" Tenko hollered, zooming past the boys. "Wah~, Nii-san, Kiyo hit meee!" Korekiyo gave an exasperated gasp at his younger sister. "I did no such thing, sinner!" He snapped back, placing his hand son his hips as him and the short girl had a glaring contest.

Kirumi entered the room, pushing a large cart of different varieties of food, mostly grape flavored. Yasumi followed shortly behind her with Monaca, both carrying rather large chairs. They definitely were a lot stronger than they came on to be. "Hey, uncle Kichi is here!" Yasumi smiled, dripping the chair, running towards Kokichi.

Kokichi chuckles, picking the small girl up, twirling once for the literal hell of it. "Hey hey, Yasu! Have you been good?" The girl nodded, wrapping her chubby arms around Kokichi neck, hugging him tightly as Kokichi returned the kind gesture, giving the little girl a short peck on the cheek.

Kokichi wasn't sure what it was about this family. Whether it be the love the siblings shared for one another to the comfy feeling the household alone held. He just couldn't seem to feel uncomfortable around the siblings. Yes, that included Korekiyo.

Kokichi was snapped out of his thoughts by some awing from somewhere in the room. "Sup," Rantaro greeted his siblings, giving a small wave as he placed a hand on Kokichi's shoulder. "Hey, Ranran. Can you help get these chairs to the balcony?" Hatori asked as she entered the room with a chair in one hand, picking up the chair Yasumi had dropped a few minutes prior.

Rantaro nods, retracting his hand as he walks trudged across the room, taking both the chairs his little sister had been handling well. "Tch, show off." Tenko scoffed, placing her hands on her hips. "Hm. Maybe just a bit." The siblings then made their way to a closed room that was under the stairs that led upstairs. "Come on, degenerate. We're having a movie night." Tenko hisses, pushing past Kokichi, purposely brushing shoulders with him.

Kokichi was about to say something, but simply didn't have the heart to tell them he couldn't stay all night...or could he stay? He brushed the thought off his mind as he reluctantly followed the direction all the children had left in. 'Eh, it can wait.'


Hey guys and girls, or any other gender! I have returned with a bit motivation and I told somebody I would try and publish on this story again, so I hope you like it! I really do! I love y'all and I hope y'all are having a good day/night and continue to! <3

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