𝚂𝚊𝚒𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊 𝚁𝚎𝚜𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎(𝙿𝚝.7)

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"..kichi? KOKICHI!" Kokichi's eyes shot open as he sat up, looking around the room, allowing his eyes to adjust to the new light as he noticed Ibuki. "Damn. I was just tryna tell ya that 2 and 3 came by last night. Also, Himiko left earlier with Mahiru." Ibuki informed the boy, leaning against his bedroom doorframe.

Kokichi stared at the girl blankly before nodding and rolling back over. "Hey, you little shit, get up! Mikan and I are taking ya over to Kirgiri's, we have to go somewhere before school starts." Ibuki groans, walking over to the lump on the bed, pulling the blanket.

Kokichi was trying hard to hold the blanket and himself down, meanwhile Ibuki was trying her damnedest to pull just the blanket off of Kokichi.

Unfortunately, victory was Ibuki's. Fortunately for Ibuki, victory was Ibuki's. She ended up pulling the blanket off the bed, aswell as Kokichi and making herself fall to the floor.

Kokichi was the first to stand up and run out of his room, followed by Ibuki.

"You asshole, why are you running?!" Ibuki shouts, reaching an arm out as she ran to try and grab Kokichi. "You bitch, why are you chasing me?!" Kokichi squeals, zooming downstairs, past Mikan and into one of the kitchen cabinets.

He sat in the dark cabinet until he heard panting, guessing was Ibuki. "Mikan!" He heard Ibuki shout, causing him to come out of hiding. Though as soon as he did, he was ambushed by none other than Hiyoko, Nagito and Mikan. "Damn you, Ibuki!" Kokichi squeaks, trying to get free from the other 3.

Ibuki rolls her eyes and gestures for the 3 to let him go. "Now. Go get dressed, we are going to go to Kirgiri's no matter what." Ibuki smiles as Kokichi dusts himself, immediately racing up the stairs.

Ibuki looks at Mikan, "He may be rude, but he surely ain't heartless, huh?"


Ibuki opens Kokichi's car door. "Here you go, your majesty. Saihara residence. Oh, don't worry, I already told Kirgiri, Sayaka, and Shu about this via phone." Ibuki snickers, holding a hand out. Kokichi rolls his eyes, taking her hand as she leads him to the front door.

Kokichi knocks and within seconds he heard some whispers and shouts but he couldn't make out what they were saying, then the door opened. "Oh, hey k-pop mom, is Shumai home?" Kokichi asks Sayaka, tilting his head to the side.

Sayaka smiles and nods, "Yes, yes! He is here, he's in his bedroom, I take it that you know where that is." Sayaka chuckles, stepping to the side. Kokichi walks past the woman, turning it into a run as to be able to make it up to the 3rd floor. "Hello Mioda, could you tell Momota I hope he gets better?" Sayaka whispers, getting a nod from the other before she walked back to her car.


Kokichi runs up several cases of stairs until he finally reached the third floor. He quickly run to the very last room, slamming the door open. "Eek!" Shuichi squeaked, covering himself as his door was slammed open.

The two stood in silence until it became almost unbearable. "I- uh, nice chest Shumai!" Kokichi said the first thing that came to mind, which in his case did not help. Both of the boys faces flushed. Kokichi quickly walked
out of the room, closing the door. "Damnit Shuichi, h-hurry and get dressed!" Kokichi shouted, setting down against the door from the outside.

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