𝙷𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚌 𝙳𝚊𝚢 (𝙿𝚝.25)

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-𝙺𝚘𝚔𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚒 𝙿𝚘𝚟-

After that very stressful weekend, it is now Monday oncemore, and honestly, I feel fucked. Well- not literally- but like, yeah. "Kokichi, c'mon! Kirgiri is here to pick you up!" Yeah. You see why? I sigh, gripping my bag strap as tight as possible as I walk down the stairs ever so cautiously. 'Putting a mask on shouldn't be that hard, right? I've did it my whole life, so why should now be an exception?' I reassured myself as I walked out the front door to Kirgiri's car, which was parked out front.

As expected, Shuichi was there, as well as Tsumugi. Well, looks like I'm setting with Shumai. I groan, opening the back door, quickly setting and strapping myself in the seat. "Goodmorning, Kirgiri-san~!" I said enthusiastically, ignoring the sick feeling in my stomach. "Hello, Kokichi. I hope you have been well." It wasn't so much of a question, more of statement, judging by how she had said it.

I nodded, setting my bag in the seat in-between me and Shuichi. Honestly, I didn't want to ne near him after my brainstorm last night. "Hello, Ouma-kun. Good morning." Shocked, I turned my head to the one who greeted me so nonchalantly. 'Mask! Fuck, fuck, FUCK! Remember your mask, dumbass!' I reminded myself as I grinned, nodding. "Goodmorning, my beloved Shumai~!" I said as happily as possible.

He nodded, turning to his window. 'Well. Let's just hope that doesn't happen again.' I sigh, sinking into my chair, only hoping I could somehow shrink out of existence. "Goodmorning, Ouma-kun!" Tsumugi smiled form the passenger seat. I smiled, giving her a small wave. "Hey, Tsoomgs."


The car ride to the school was fairly short. Though not short enough. Well, as we exited the car anyway. I was met with a puzzled Rantaro and Kaediot. I slowly glanced behind me at Shuichi, who had been following me. 'The hell? I get you would act infront of auntie, but why the whole school?' I rolled my eyes, deciding to just ignore him for the sake of my mask.

I waved at the two. "Hey, Kaediot-" "Hey, squirt!" Miu peaked out from behind Kaede's back, sticking her tongue out. "Hey, cumslut." I grin, watching as she blushed profusely and start muttering random, meaningless, vulgar insults. None of which would have any constellation to me, even if I did listen and name them all.

Instead, I drug Rantarhoe away from the girls, and towards the highschool doors. "Someone seems upset today. Did Shuichi do something?" He asked, walking (being pulled by his sleeve) behind me. I shrug. "We all know that dumbass knows how to act, but he honestly just doesn't know whether he wants to be the good guy or the bad guy." I sigh, thinking of the In-game Shuichi and all of his shy and all of his flaws that had made me like him so much.

Welp, there's only so many things that stay the same. "...-chi?Kokichi?" I turn my head to Rantaro, who was still following me, looking as bored as hell. 'But I guess...there are some thing that do stay the same.'


I yawn, walking down the hall, towards my locker. "Hey, Ouma-kun?" I turn my head to find the source of the voice, seeing the very last person I wanted to. "What could you possibly want, Shuichi?" Honestly, this man needs to choose his side, and he needs to stay on that side. "I-I wanted to talk to you later, if at all possible." 'What- is up with his voice today?' I shrug, looking around the hall for any possible escape from the sociopath in questioning.

He sighed, shaking his head. "It's very important, Kokichi. Just this once. Pl-" "Fuck, Shuichi!" I scoff, grabbing his wrist, dragging him to the nearest men's bathroom. I drug him to the last stall and slammed the door shut. "What?! What the hell is so important that you have to talk to me during school for it?" I whisper shout, placing on hand on the stall door beside his body and my other hand on my hip.

•Third Pov•

The entire restroom went quiet as the silhouette's stood quietly. One furious, and the other? The other shameless. Then suddenly, "O-Ouma-kun..I wasn't the one who broke into your house. At first, I t-thought that maybe I had a s-split personality disorder, since I c-could't remember doing any of those horrible things to you. So, I looked into it a bit and i-it turns out that I wasn't even the one w-who assaulted you. My phone was hacked, as well, but I d-didn't know somebody hacked it for the purpose of hurting you. I swear to Atua that I'd never hurt you a-and I'm also sorry for what I said to you in the killing game...it was uncalled for." Shuichi ended, supposedly coming to an end as he looked up form the ground to the equally confused purplette infront of him.

Befuddled, Kokichi backed up, raising a brow questioningly at the raven. "Shumai, I practically invented lies, so you're gonna have to try harder than that. Plus, I saw you outside my apartment door the night I was nearly murdered." Kokichi explained, though it'd be a lie if he were to say he didn't want to believe the once sweet detective.

Shuichi, clenching his fists, began muttering curses to himself under his breath, then again the silence was broken, "I have video surveillance footage at my house for proof that I didn't leave Mom's house that night. Kokichi...I know we've had our ups and downs, but you need to understand that I would never do anything to intentionally cause you harm." Shuichi finished his proclamation, before leaving the stall.

However, he stopped at the door, back facing the little leader. "If you don't believe me...come to my house after school today." Then, just like that, he left.

"Then- who the hell was that..?"


Heyyy, long time, no see, huh? So, yeah, I'm in Student Council and I have been hella busy with work and all that good shit. But I still find time for this while helping babysit <3 Hope you enjoyed, byeeeeee, love youuu


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