𝙵𝚘𝚛 𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚠 (𝙿𝚝.6)

178 6 10

Kokichi caught on that Tsumugi's hand was slipping, "Hey, slide down slowly, I am gonna catch you!" As soon as Kokichi said those words, the girl turned her head to look down, which was her first wrong move.

"Shit, Tsumugi!" Kokichi yells, trying to get the latters attention, but to no avail. The others hand slipped, then she let go. "Damnit, Tsumugi!" Kokichi shouts, grabbing the girls hand as she nearly fell off the edge.

Tsumugi looked up at Kokichi, before putting her other hand on the building, pulling herself up. She sighs, setting as far from the edge as possible.

Kokichi laughs, setting on the edge of the building, allowing his feet to dangle from the building. "Sooo, what happened to you? I mean, after the game and shit." Kokichi spoke nonchalantly to the girl, it seemed his stutter had for some reason disappeared. Because if his stutter did appear when he was nervous, he wouldn't be able to get through a single word right now.

Tsumugi shrugs, "Not much. Everyone seems to think I was in jail, though. It was just a game for crying out loud!" Tsumugi complains, crossing her arms. "Ugh, you are still incredibly boringgggg!" He whines, getting an exaggerated gasp from Tsumugi. "Well, excuseee me!" Tsumugi retorts, turning her head.

Kokichi started laughing, which resulted in Tsumugi's laughter as well. "Oh, but I must say Kokichi. You really thought thoroughly on how to die, and might I say a brutal death!" Tsumugi finishes, "That actually gave me goosebumps, I didn't even know who was under the crusher!" Tsumugi spoke as Kokichi smirked, putting his hands behind his head.

"Well, we should head to class, those assholes are probably gone and we are probably late." Kokichi informs the girl, taking a running start as he jumps over the fence. He did a front flip, he landing on his feet on the other side.

Tsumugi rolls her eyes jokingly at the show off, climbing the fence slowly, jumping to the ground on the other side. "Hah, I survived!" Tsumugi let out a deep breath, placing her hand over her heart.

The two spoke to one another about anything that came to mind on their way to their class, which they suspected they shared.


Kokichi and Tsumugi stood outside of the classroom, listening to the people in the room.

"Hey, everyone, Atua and I heard Tsumugi is back!" One person said, which the two assumed could only be Angie. "Ugh, not that bitch!" Another voice complained, which the two knew damn well was Miu. "Oh, she is, is she? I have been meaning to speak to her." Another voice spoke, which Kokichi knew was Rantaro.

The two continued to listen until they were both tapped on the back, spinning around to see Kiibo. "Oh, hello Shirogane... I heard you had came to today, but I hadn't thought it true. How have you been?" Kiibo smiled at the girl, shocking both her and Kokichi.

Tsumugi looked at Kokichi with a suspicious look, getting a shrug. "I've been well, and you?" Tsumugi whispers, not wanting anyone inside the classroom to hear her. Alteast not yet.

Kiibo nods, "I have been well, uh, are you two..uh...heading in?" Kiibo asks, titling his head to the side. "Oh, nah, we were just listening to them talk shit about Tsoomgs and I!" Kokichi smirks, placing his hands on his hips.

Kiibo sighs, nodding. "I should speak to them about their rudeness." Kiibo glances at Tsumugi and smiles, "Please pay no attention to them, Shirogane. I hope you enjoy your first day here." Kiibo finishes, pushing back the two, reaching for the doorknob.

He tested the doorknob, turning his head to look at Tsumugi. "Some classes at this school can crush you like a boulder, goodluck." Were Kiibo's last words before he entered the classroom, shutting the door behind himself.

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