𝚂𝚑𝚞𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚒 𝙴𝚗𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛 (𝙿𝚝.19)

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"Must we really need to go visit Kirumi whilst she is at work?" Korekiyo asked, walking a good distance away from the Supreme Leader. "Ofcourse, the Ultimate Supreme Leader got an invite to visit his one and only evil mother and you expect him not to go?" Korekiyo rolled his eyes as they continued their stroll.

It was mid-day and, to be frank, it was quite beautiful. The sky was a unique shade of purple, which faded into an orange hue of sorts. Not to mention the Sakura Tree's were in full swing around this time of the year, so the petals where floating around. "Nishishi~ you got something on your head, Kiyo!" Kokichi smirks, walking backwards now so he could point and laugh at the pile of leaves on the other male's head.

Korekiyo removed his hat, checking the males accuracy on his words. As he had said, there was a few leaves tangled in his hair and some in which had got caught on his hat. "I don't appear to be the only one. You have a few in your scarf, aswell as your hair." Korekiyo chuckles, ruffling the males hair, removing his leaves aswell. "Hey, get your filthy hands off me, peasant!" Kokichi giggles, swatting the anthropologists gloved hand away.

"Ah, here we a-" "Hold the fuck up!" Kokichi gasps, pulling Korekiyo by his vest, behind the nearest bushes. "Oh, great heavens, my ass hurts....What was that for?" Korekiyo groans, rubbing his head. "Korekiyo?" "Yes, Kokichi?" "Get your salty ass off of me!"

Korekiyo opened his eyes, only to see...Kokichi on the ground under him.

-Korekiyo Pov-

It was beautiful... absolutely amazing... astonishing even. Having Kokichi under me, no control whatsoever, not a choice of his own, he's so- so- so elegant. From his long, feminine looking eyelashes to his pink luminous lips. He was simply perfect, a work of art, not one think about Kokichi was not to be oogled at. He was just so...dazzling, and entertaining. His reaction was by far the most amusing point of the moment.

A faint rustle in the bush behind us was made, which caused Kokichi to shoot up like one of those balloons at a Car Shop, knocking me back one to my read end with him on top of me, with his legs on either side of my body. "Nyahaha, Atua says that this suh a coincidence!" I gulped, looking up at the girl and her company. "Hello, Yonaga-san." I greeted her, forgetting about my 'predicament' with Kokichi.

Sadly, Angie's company was Himiko, so she rushed to help Kokichi off of me...it was sad...the feeling felt...wonderful, and now, I just felt alone without Kokichi's body weight. "My my, such an accident the two of you must have had." On que, my 'lovely' sister, had to emerge and help me up. "Are you alright, Ouma-kun?" She asked Kokichi, immediately casting me to the side as she ran to Kokichi.

I scoff, dusting myself off. "You know, we saw Shuichi walk by quite a bit ago!" Me and Kokichi immediately looked at eachother, then worriedly to the girls. "Did he- say anything?" Himiko shrugs. "Neh..I don't think so...he did stand at the window and make a weird motion with his hands, though." Himiko sighs, a yawn following shortly after. "Ah, yes! Atua agrees with Himiko, did indeed do such a thing!" Angie smiles, doing a praying gesture with her hands.

Korekiyo nods, "I believe he put put one hand on top of his head, then he moved his hands behind his back...I didn't see after that due to a customer." Kirumi then apologized, the guilt obvious on her face. Though it was to be expected of someone as- Kirumi- as Kirumi. You know?

-3rd Pov-

"Ah, Atua said he saw! He told Angie that he saw Shuichi put on hand over his mouth and the other along his neck!" Angie said, sounding a little too happy for a situation such as this. "Hold the fuckin' phone for a damn minute...you saw this...and thought nothing of it?" Kokichi asked, doing hand motions and gestures with his hands as he spoke, in an attempt to make the girls get his point.

Himiko shrugs, leaning against Kokichi's arm. "Ugh, Himiko, you and your donkey lips are gonna kill me!" Kokichi whines, though he didn't exactly force Himiko off him and continued to instead keep her on her feet as she leaned on him for support to sleep. "Nyahaha, Atua and I will take-" Nope. Keep your grubby, filthy, big boobed self away from my friend." Kokichi hisses, grabbing Himiko, pulling her close to his chest and into a hug.

Angie puffs out her cheeks, crossig her arms. "Hold on a moment. Doesn't that seem... familiar to anyone else? Kaede killed- well, Tsumugi. Either way, it was plastered at the beginning of the killig game that Kaede was, indeed, the murderer, so she was practically hung and then chopped into bits and pieces. But, that's not the most importantly thing. Hoshi-kun..." Korekiyo looked at the maids both befuddled and guilt filled facial expression.

Himiko gasps, seeming to come to a realization. "Hold on! Akamatsu-chan was killed by a noose and Hoshi-kun was killed by the wack over the head that Mom gave him, then he was put into my tank!" Himiko grins, placing her hands on her hips, looking up at Korekiyo. "Precisely. It is in my beliefs that Shuichi is attempting to kill anyone and everyone that was in our killing game exactly how they were killed in the game." Judging by the sudden silence, aswell as the looks of disbelief washed over the group. Well, all except Kokichi, Korekiyo and Himiko.

"S-so... He's going after Hoshi-kun...in real life?!" Kirumi asked, fiddling with her clothes hands anxious as he anxiety and guilt only continued to rise. "Precisely. But. Hear me out. Last night, Shuichi attempted to murder Kaede. So, I think he's giving us signs before hand, then killing the person. So, we should be able to save Hoshi-kun."

Here recently, Kirumi and Ryoma's relationship had gotten productively better. Kirumi even managed to get Ryoma into therapy. He may have killed people, but due to his time in Danganronpa and everyone's seeming obsession over Danganronpa....he was never placed in jail and only got a slap on the wrist and a warning.

It was just proof of- "Bad time to mention this, but Gonta and his little brother, Jataro, whom is adopted, are throwing a party! Exciting, yeah? Atua thought so, aswell!" The heads turned to the religious girl. "Angie....." "Ah, ye-" "Shut the fuck up or I'll make you the next victim!" "Bitchy much...."


Sorry that I make one day into like- forty chapters but somebody gave me ideas and it gave me oh so many ideas- I'm just not really sure where to end this story, so we'll probably go until everyone is with someone- ALSO. THERE IS A LARGE PLOT TWIST, MOTHERFUCKERS, TRY AND FIGURE IT OUT!!!


Love y'all, toodles, hope you enjoyed my shitty post- 🥱

4:56 am...ouch-


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